Emergence And Returning Activity In The Indian Flying Fox, Pteropus Giganteus (Chiroptera: Pteropodidae)
Approach: After a diurnal resting in the roost, bats adapts some behavioural pattern to get themselves active towards foraging there by involving in various activities. Their activity pattern differs from time to time depending on the change in climatic factors. But the behavioural activities they involved varies from time to time. Observation was done on the emergence and returning gate i. e the emergence or returning of first to last bat, pre emergence behaviour and post return behaviour, and influence of moonlight on foraging activity.
Post return activity, Emergence gate, Behaviour, Pre-emergence behaviourDownloads
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How to Cite
Sudhakaran, M. R., Swamidoss, D. P., & Parvathiraj, P. (2012). Emergence And Returning Activity In The Indian Flying Fox, Pteropus Giganteus (Chiroptera: Pteropodidae). International Journal of Geography and Geology, 1(1), 1–9. Retrieved from https://archive.conscientiabeam.com/index.php/10/article/view/1900