Evaluation of Groundwater Quality Using Water Quality Index in Gadilam River Basin, Tamil Nadu, India


  • K Mohammed Rizwan Department of Geology, Government Arts College (Auto), Salem, India
  • V Thirukumaran Department of Geology, Government Arts College (Auto), Salem, India https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5159-3692




The current research is to assess the groundwater quality the Gadilam river which is draining in the northern part of the Tamil Nadu and to examine its suitability for irrigation uses. The groundwater quality parameters are derived from 120 groundwater samples collected throughout the basin out of which 50 samples are from Archaean formation, 34 samples are from Quaternary formation, 35 samples are from Tertiary formation and the remaining one sample is from Cretaceous formation. In addition to that, this study involves comparing the determined cations and anions levels with the various standards for drinking. The variability of parameters of the groundwater quality is explored by using statistical method. The conclusion of this research reveals that the groundwater quality parameters like Calcium (Ca2+), Magnesium (Mg2+), Nitrate (NO32-), Fluoride (F-), Sulphate (SO42-), Bi-carbonate (HCO3-) and Percentage of Hydrogen (pH) values are observed within limiting value for WHO 2011 in all the formations during this season. WQI values for the Archaean, Quaternary and Tertiary formations are found lesser than 100 meq/L in all stations in monsoon seasons. Based on WQI, these sample stations are coming under the category of “Excellent” and “Good”.


Gadalim river, Groundwater, Archaean, Quaternary, Tertiary, Cretaceous, Water quality index

Abstract Video




How to Cite

Rizwan, K. M. ., & Thirukumaran, V. (2021). Evaluation of Groundwater Quality Using Water Quality Index in Gadilam River Basin, Tamil Nadu, India. International Journal of Geography and Geology, 10(1), 1–8. https://doi.org/10.18488/journal.10.2021.101.1.8


