Developing an energy storage systems selection methodology for peak shaving purposes in photovoltaic micro-installations


  • Anna Pirogowicz Mineral and Energy Economy Research Institute, Polish Academy of Sciences, 7A Wybickiego St., 31-261, Cracow, Poland.
  • Piotr Olczak Mineral and Energy Economy Research Institute, Polish Academy of Sciences, 7A Wybickiego St., 31-261, Cracow, Poland.



This study investigates the selection methodology for peak shaving purposes in photovoltaic micro-installations. Due to the increasing share of photovoltaic micro-installations in the national electricity production and the consequent changes in the country's energy policy, the need for energy storage is becoming increasingly apparent. Therefore, based on data collected throughout the study of a photovoltaic installation conducted in years 2020-2024 and data on market electricity prices, the correlation between production, market electricity prices, and energy value was analyzed. The analysis established interconnections between these values and identified factors influencing their changes. It was observed that the market price of electricity is relatively low during hours of increased photovoltaic energy production. By comparing the correlations between energy production and electricity prices over different years, an increasing impact of the increasing share of photovoltaic energy production in national electricity production on the market price of electricity was noted, highlighting the importance of energy storage. For the described household, an energy storage system was selected with a view to meeting the energy demand during hours of higher market electricity prices. The selected model was Lithium-Iron-Phosphate battery with a capacity of 5 kWh. Furthermore, the cost effectiveness of household-scale energy storage systems was examined. Implementing the proposed solutions could result in increased auto-consumption and presumably improve cost-effectiveness of photovoltaic installations in the future.


Energy production, Energy storage systems, Energy value, Household, Photovoltaic installations, Market electricity prices.



How to Cite

Pirogowicz, A. ., & Olczak, P. . (2024). Developing an energy storage systems selection methodology for peak shaving purposes in photovoltaic micro-installations . International Journal of Sustainable Energy and Environmental Research, 13(2), 159–168.


