

The aim of this study is to examine the lecture method preferences of Ukrainian consumers of educational services. The study has observed two popular methods of providing educational services: the auditory method and the visual method. Research methodology included: information research; questioning and statistical processing of questionnaires; graphical representation of results and verification of statistical hypotheses. The sampling included two groups of students and one group of school teachers. It was statistically proved that Ukrainian students prefer the visual method of lectures but not the auditory method in availing educational services. Since the results are strongly significant, they have a great practical importance, recommending university teachers to use visual methods of lectures more than auditory while providing educational services. This will help them to adapt their lecture form and technique according to the needs and preferences of students as consumers of educational services. In addition, the results will also be useful to design and formulate training programs for teachers of Ukrainian Universities and making policy design for the Ukrainian Higher Education.

Keywords: Higher education, Consumers of educational services, Consumers' preferences, Method of providing of educational services, Auditory method, Visual method.

Received: 13 November 2018/ Revised: 24 December 2018/ Accepted: 29 January 2019/ Published: 10 April 2019

Contribution/ Originality

This study is one of very few studies which have investigated preferences of consumers of educational services of the type of lecture method of providing educational services. The paper is a contribution to the first logical analysis of the preferences of university students and school teachers.


Since the late 40s of the 20th century, education has become a business of international scope (Phillips and Stahl, 2001; Yang, 2008; Pathak and Pathak, 2010; Weeden et al., 2013; Ahmed et al., 2015; Taneri, 2018). The expansion of trade and investment in the global economy since the 1980s has resulted in a growth in international trade and in education services, particularly higher education. The international market of educational services was fully formed by the end of the twentieth century. Nowadays universities are subject to pressure of the marketplace (Abubakar et al., 2018). The Dearing Report (Dearing, 1997) first identified students as the principal  customers of universities services  and, as a result, HEIs have increasingly become subjected to commercial pressure. There is a huge competition among the HEIs that has led to significant modifications. Universities have adopted the thought process of a corporate business to the extent that students are currently treated as customers (Zwain et al., 2012; Hilman and Abubakar, 2017; Abubakar et al., 2018). There is a general consensus that in order to attract and retain students, universities must identify and meet student expectations (Elliott and Healy, 2001; Chidobi, 2017; Tolulope, 2017; Tung and Van Anh, 2018; Yaya, 2018).
Students studying at universities in England have been defined as customers by the government since the introduction of student tuition fees (Bunce et al., 2017). From one side, this approach has been rejected by educators. From the other side, it is shown that students become more demanding of university support services. For example, library staff we spoke to noted that students behave more likes ‘customers’ in their demands. In addition, students appear more career-focused than before, for example, by choosing courses that offer clear employment prospects and higher salaries.

The paper (Okulicz-Kozaryn, 2019) studied the definition of "educational services" as an element of educational activities of the service provider and the consumer, with the aim of satisfying the established and perceived educational preferences of the consumer. In this definition we see two actors: the service provider and the consumer. This definition is further clarified in GOST 30335-95 (1995): a consumer is a citizen receiving, ordering or having the intention to receive or order services for personal needs. In the current study, the consumers of educational services will be school teachers, who acquired  their qualifications from the same region, and University students.

Results of several studies finding priorities of consumers of educational services have been published. These studies are  related to consumers of educational services of Universities of Azerbaijan, Belarus, Croatia, Poland, Russia and Serbia (Isaeva and Okulicz-Kozaryn, 2018; Okulicz-Kozaryn and Alieva, 2018; Okulicz-Kozaryn and Goić, 2018; Okulicz-Kozaryn and Lapitskaya, 2018; Ossowska and Okulicz-Kozaryn, 2018; Skunca et al., 2018). Authors of these have studies have shown that consumers of educational services in Universities in these countries prefer a visual way of providing of educational services at lectures. Hence, it was interesting to study the preferences of consumers of educational services in Ukrainian universities as well, because Ukraine is one of the largest countries in Eastern Europe.

This research study is therefore about priorities of consumers of educational services in Eastern European Universities. Being statistical in nature and also research results revealed about preferences of consumers of educational services, this study is much different from previous studies.


The study was conducted from June 2017 to January 2019. The following reliable research methods were employed:

Right at the outset, a background description of the state of research in this field was made in order to formulate the research objectives of this study and also the research question.  A questionnaire was created at Pedagogical University of Cracow (Appendix). There are 9 items in the questionnaire. The main issue of the questionnaire is number 5. This is also the research question of this study: What lecture method in availing educational services do I prefer?

Three possible answers were provided:

1. The lecturer has a presentation, and I write from slides.
2. The lecturer dictates, and I write the lecture.
3. The lecturer tells, and I note.

The first variant of the answer refers to the visual lecture method of providing educational services. The second and third options relate to the auditory lecture method of providing of educational services.

Subsequently, the students as consumers of educational services of two Ukrainian universities were questioned (the questionnaire is in the Appendix). The students of Lugansk State Medical University (LSMU), Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University (EUNU named after V. Dahl) took part in the questioning. Simultaneously, for comparison, the school teachers who raised their qualifications at Luhansk Regional Institute of Postgraduate Pedagogical Education (LRIPTE) were interviewed. The characteristics of the respondents are presented in Table 1.

Table-1. General characteristics of the respondents.

Number (M/F)
Category of respondents
Lugansk State Medical University (LSMU)
Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University (EUNU named after V. Dahl)
(different disciplines)
School teachers
Luhansk Regional Institute of Postgraduate Teacher Education (LRIPTE)
(different disciplines)
Total number of respondents:

In total, 76 respondents from three Ukrainian universities took part in the survey. Among them were two groups of students (54) and one group of school teachers (22).

Having completed the initial processing of the questionnaires, the data were presented in the graphical form for further analysis. At the same time, school teachers - students of advanced training courses were also questioned. The statistical hypotheses were formulated and verified. The methodology of statistical research is borrowed from the source (BUS 9641 Business Statistics 3, 2010).

We verified two pairs of statistical Hypotheses:

Pair 1

Pair 2


A lecture (from Latin Lectio – “reading”) is one of the main forms of study in higher educational establishments, which is a systematic, consistent presentation by a teacher of a specific section of a particular science or academic discipline ( Lectures appeared in the practice of teaching in ancient Greece and other ancient states, then they received wide circulation in medieval universities and retained their leading role in higher education up to the present day (FMT, 2018). It is important to note that for several hundred years the auditory method of information transmission dominated at lectures (Kostelnik et al., 2004; Yazdanjoo and Fallahpour, 2018). As it is shown in learning theory, lecture is now one of the main forms of providing educational services at universities. Each lecture method of providing educational services, auditory or visual, has several types which have been classified below in Table 2.

Table-2. Classification of lectures on the method providing of educational services

Two kinds of lecture methods to provide educational services in learning theory  
Auditory method of providing educational services  
Problem lecture: It is a lecture assuming involvement of the audience by the teacher to the solution of serious scientific problems defining an occupation subject. The purposeful inclusion of at least one complete problem lecture in a course is desirable. This is simply necessary in cases when the scientific team of a department has been studying the scientific problem for many years. Reading of problematic lectures has an important didactic value and attracts students as potential researchers to solve urgent problems of science.  
Lecture-consultation: This type assumes presentation of material on “questions-answers” or “questions-answers-discussion” type.  
Lecture with analysis of concrete situations: This is almost lecture-discussion, however, the teacher does not raise the issue, but creates a concrete situation for discussion. As a rule, such situation is represented orally or in very short video, or a filmstrip.  
Lecture with pre-planned errors: There is a  need to develop students' ability to analyze professional situations quickly, to act as experts, opponents, reviewers, isolate incorrect or inaccurate information that leads to the development of lectures with pre-planned errors.  
Lecture-press conference: Having named the topic of the lecture, the teacher asks the students to ask him questions on this topic in written form. Each listener should formulate the most interesting question for him within 2-3 minutes, write it on a piece of paper and pass it to the teacher. Then the lecturer sorts the questions by their semantic content within 3-5 minutes and begins to give a lecture. The presentation of the material is not based on the answers to each proposed question, but in the form of the related disclosure of the topic, during which the corresponding answers are formulated. At the end of the lecture, the teacher conducts a final assessment of issues as a reflection of the knowledge and interests of the listeners.  
Lecture-discussion: A teacher in the presentation of lecture material uses not only the answers of students to his questions, but also organizes a free exchange of opinions in the intervals between logical sections.  
Lecture given by two lectures: In this lecture, real professional situations, the discussion of theoretical questions from different positions by two specialists are modeled, for example, by representatives of two scientific schools, a theorist and a practitioner, a supporter and an opponent of this or that technical solution, etc.  
Visual method of providing of educational services  
Lecture-visualization: A lecture-visualization reading is reduced to a coherent, detailed commenting by a teacher of the prepared visual materials, that reveal the topic of this lecture fully. These materials should ensure the systematization of the knowledge of the students, the presentation of new information, setting of problem situations and possible solutions.  
Information lecture: This type uses an explanatory and illustrative method of presentation.  

 Source: compiled by the authors by using the sources (FMT, 2018);; (Samygin, 1998); (Slastenin et al., 2000).

Table 2 shows that the auditory method of providing of educational services dominates in learning theory. It reflects in 7 lecture methods of providing of educational services as compared to only 2 methods of Virtual Method. There are, however, new tools of visual method of providing educational services in the education practice:

It reveals that there are modern pedagogical practice much different from the learning theory.however in this study, we will not study the results of teaching at lectures ; rather,  we focus on the lecture method preferences of Ukrainian consumers in the process of availing of educational services.


4.1. Primary and Statistical Processing of Questionnaires

The results of the primary and statistical processing of the main issue No 5 of the questionnaires are given in Table 3. For statistical calculations, the value “1” was assigned to the visual lecture method of providing of educational services. The value “0” was assigned to the auditory lecture method of providing of educational services. The answers No. 2 and No. 3 of the main issue were combined for the study because they relate to the auditory lecture method of providing of educational services.

Table-3. Results of processing of questionnaires (number of variants of different answers to issue No 5).

The number of choices
response 1
response 2
response 3
Multiple Specialties 

The Figure 1 shows the general results of the initial assessment of respondents' preferences in lecture method of providing educational services (group 1).

Figure-1. The results of the assessment of preferences of Ukrainian respondents (group 1) in choosing the lecture method of providing of educational services, %.

Figure 1 shows that the Ukrainian respondents do not prefer the auditory lecture method of providing educational services. Figure 2 shows the general results of the initial assessment of respondents' preferences in lecture method of providing of educational services (group 2).

Figure-2. The results of the assessment of preferences of Ukrainian respondents (group 2) in choosing the lecture method of providing of educational services, %.

Figure 2 shows that Ukrainian respondents do not prefer the auditory lecture method of providing of educational services. Figure 3 shows general results of the initial assessment of respondents' preferences in lecture method of providing of educational services (group 3).

Figure 3 shows that the Ukrainian respondents do not prefer the auditory lecture method of providing of educational services.

Figure-3. The results of the assessment of preferences of Ukrainian respondents (group 3) in choosing the lecture method of providing of educational services, %.

On the Figure 1 - Figure 3 the general situation in three groups of the respondents is shown. It is shown that the Ukrainian respondents do not prefer the auditory lecture method of providing of educational services. The above figures reveal that a majority of Ukrainian respondents prefer the visual lecture method of providing educational services. With the possibility of applying the results to the general population of Ukrainian students and school teachers, it could mean that University teachers can boldly abandon the generally accepted auditory lecture method of providing educational services. They need to use visual lecture method of providing educational services more widely. However, in this direction, figure is not a basis for strong evidence.
Therefore, at the stage of verification of statistical hypotheses, the two alternatives pairs formulated for this study considered.

4.2. Verification of the first pair of the Statistical Hypotheses: Consumers of Educational ServicesPrefer the Auditory Lecture Method of Providing of Educational Services

Null hypothesis Н0: μ = 0.0.

The null hypothesis asserts that the unknown average for the general population of consumers of educational services in Ukraine is μ = 0.0. The null hypothesis is as follows: consumers of educational services prefer the auditory lecture method of providing of educational services, if one does not take into account random deviations.

Alternative hypothesis Н1: μ ≠ 0.0.

The alternative hypothesis asserts that the unknown average for the general population of consumers of educational services in Ukraine is μ ≠ 0.0. The alternative hypothesis is as follows: consumers of educational services do not prefer the auditory lecture method of providing of educational services, if one does not take into account random deviations.

Table 4 shows the calculated data for verification of statistical hypotheses at μ0 = 0.0.

Table-4. Data for verification of statistical hypotheses, μ0 = 0.0.

Group number
Sample size, n
Selective average, Ẋ
Standard deviation for sample, δх
Average error, ṠẊ = δх / √n
Value | tstat | for μ0 = 0.0, (Ẋ - μ0) / ṠẊ
Value ttabl for significance level 99.9, %,
Table 9.1.1 (Textbook 2010, 42)
Result, tstat > ttabl

Table 4 shows that the tstat value is greater than the ttabl value for the 99.9% significance level. Therefore, we accept the Alternative hypothesis: the unknown average for the general population of consumers of educational services μ ≠ 0.0. This means that consumers of educational services do not prefer the auditory lecture method of providing of educational services, if one does not take into account random deviations. For 99.9 % significance level (BUS_9641_Business_Statistics_3, 2010, 75), we accept the following result: the general population of Ukrainian students do not prefer the auditory lecture method of providing of educational services. The similar result was obtained for the general population of Ukrainian school teachers raising their qualifications in the courses. This means that university professors should not use the auditory lecture method of providing educational services.

4.3. Verification of the second pair of the Statistical Hypotheses: Consumers of Educational ServicesPrefer the Visual Lecture Method of Providing of Educational Services

Null hypothesis Н0: μ = 1.0.

The null hypothesis asserts that the unknown average for the general population of consumers of educational services in Ukraine is μ = 1.0. The null hypothesis is as follows: consumers of educational services prefer the visual lecture method of providing of educational services, if one does not take into account random deviations.

Alternative hypothesis Н1: μ ≠ 1.0.

The alternative hypothesis asserts that the unknown average for the general population of consumers of educational services in Ukraine is μ ≠ 1.0. The alternative hypothesis is as follows: consumers of educational services do not prefer the visual lecture method of providing of educational services, if one does not take into account random deviations. Table 5 shows the calculated data for verification of statistical hypotheses at μ0 = 1.0.

Table-5. Data for verification of statistical hypotheses, μ0 = 1.0.

Group number
Sample size, n
Selective average, Ẋ
Standard deviation for sample, δх
Average error, ṠẊ = δх / √n
Value | tstat | for μ0 = 1.0, (Ẋ - μ0) / ṠẊ
Value ttabl for significance level 99.9, %,
Table 9.1.1 (Textbook 2010, 42)
Result, tstat > ttabl

Table 5 shows that the tstat value is not greater than the ttabl value for the 99.9% significance level. Therefore, we accept the Null hypothesis: the unknown average for the general population of consumers of educational services μ = 1.0. This means that consumers of educational services prefer the visual lecture method of providing of educational services, if one does not take into account random deviations.

For 99.9 % significance level (BUS_9641_Business_Statistics_3, 2010, 75), we accept the following result: the general population of Ukrainian students prefer the visual lecture method of providing of educational services. The similar result was obtained for the general population of Ukrainian school teachers raising their qualifications in the courses.This means that university professors should use visual lecture method of providing of educational services more widely.

4.4. Discussion

First of all, the received results are real scientific facts that should be taken into account when reforming Ukrainian higher education. The results are not a new theory, a new scientific Law, a new scientific conception. It is the first time that independent opinions of consumers of educational services were transformed into real scientific knowledge.

Secondly, it was a new idea to compare the student preferences and preferences of school teachers. It helped to bring together the results of three groups of respondents into a coherent overall picture. The picture has shown that there are no differences in the preferences of studentsand the school teachers in relation to the lecture method of providing educational services.

Thirdly, on the basis of new scientific knowledge about preferences of consumers of educational services, the real recommendations were given to the top-management of Ukrainian Universities such as: university teachers should use visual lecture method of providing of educational services; innovative ideas, reflected in the recommendations can be used for improving of teaching technologies in Ukrainian Universities, and so on.

To what extent these results can be trusted, was the next question in this study. The rationale that can be given is that 54 students and 22 school teachers took part in our study, a sample size enough to arrive at such results. This was consistent with many previous studies, for example, in the survey (Guluta and Rusu, 2016) only 50 Romanian managers were interviewed leaving a large number of Romanian managers un-interviewed. However, the statistical processing methods showed a stable correlation for the whole Romania.

In another study (Kayalar and Kayalar, 2017) only 15 university students participated while in the study (Muhamad et al., 2018) 50 Malaysian and 50 Arab Pre-University students were examined for a statistical analysis. Similarly in Pavlova (2016) there were only 48 respondents, and in Subadrah and Mogana (2018) the sample consisted of only 20  Year-6 students aged between 11 and 12 years. So the sample size of 76 respondents in this study was sufficient to get a reliable result.

Second, at the stage of verification of statistical hypotheses about the preferred lecture method of providing educational services, we discovered that results were very highly statistically significant (99.9%). The result shows that the solution will be correct approximately in 99.9% of cases and incorrect only in 0.1% of cases. In this sense, we have a decision-making process with accurate, controlled probability. Despite the fact that the auditory lecture method has dominated in higher education institutions for more than 500 years, we are sure that the general population of Ukrainian consumers of educational services does not prefer the auditory lecture method of providing educational services. Hence, this is also an indication for university teachers to change their lecture method of providing educational services.

However, in case of doubt or disagreement to any study based on the theory of statistics, or if anyone wishes to refute the results, it is suggested to organize a fresh study with a different sample size of higher statistical significance (BUS 9641 Business Statistics 3, 2010). In other words, higher education system in Ukraine cannot ignore these results in the interests of Ukrainian consumers of educational services.


The preferences of Ukrainian consumers of educational services in the lecture method of providing of educational services are studied in this research.

1. The aim of the study was achieved: it was statistically proved that Ukrainian consumers of educational services do not prefer the auditory lecture method of providing educational services; instead, they prefer the visual lecture method. In addition, there has been shown that there are no differences in the preferences of the school teachers and students in relation to the lecture method of providing educational services. There are also new time requirements for university teachers - who should use visual lecture method of providing educational services.
2. The results are very highly statistically significant (99.9%). The results show that the solution will be correct approximately in 99.9% of cases and incorrect only in 0.1% of cases. This means that we have a decision-making process with accurate, controlled probability.
3. The received results are real scientific facts, which the system of higher education in Ukraine cannot ignore.

This means that Ukrainian higher education needs reforms such as:

Among other things, we recommend to form new training programs for university teachers. University teachers should learn to use visual lecture method of providing educational services. The adaptation benefits are also to both sides - consumers of educational services and University teachers.

4. The task of the next study is to assess the preferences of consumers of educational services in other countries of Eastern Europe.

Funding: The study was performed with the support of two research projects:
  • "0114U006192_Generation and improvement the mechanism for the sustainable development of economic systems", Ukraine, 2017.
  • "WPL_BS_Economics and management of educational systems and processes. 02. Analysis of the effectiveness of educational processes on the basis of competencies and opinions of the participants of the educational process: innovations in the management of educational systems and processes", Poland, 2018.
Competing Interests: The authors declare that they have no competing interests.
Contributors/Acknowledgement: The study was conducted in Ukraine in 2018 with the support of East European Study Group (Azerbaijan, Belarus, Poland, Serbia, Ukraine). We would like to thank reviewers and editors for their insightful comments on an earlier draft of this manuscript. We are also grateful for the time our participants gave in providing data to us.


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The questionnaire is completely anonymous. Date of completion ____________.

Country and city:  
Name of the University (school):  
Specialty, course of study:  
Gender (underline, please):
refuse to answer

Please write down your answers regarding the last 2-3 semesters.
Your answers will help us to make learning more effective and enjoyable.

1. I like to study (underline, please):
2. I like to write term papers and presentations (underline, please):
3. I like to take exams (underline, please):
4а. I prefer to take exams (underline, please, only one option):
in the oral form 
in the written form
in the form of a test
4б. If you prefer exams in the form of test, what option do you prefer exactly (underline, please, only one option):
with open answers
with closed answers and single choice
with closed answers and multiple choice

5. What lecture method in availing educational services do I prefer? Underline, please, only one option:

- The lecturer has a presentation, and I write from slides.
- The lecturer dictates, and I write the lecture.
- The lecturer tells, and I note.

6. What lecture method in availing educational services did the lecturers use (on average) - for the answer use, please, the numbers, % (0; 10; 20; 30; 40; 50; 60; 70; 80; 90; 100, the sum should be 100%):

- The lecturer has a presentation, and students write with slides  
- The lecturer slowly dictates, and students write under dictation  
- The lecturer quickly tells, and students write, that keep up  
the sum:  1

7. I attend lectures on average (underline, please), %:  

8. I prepare for exams (underline, please), days:
regular in semester

9. My favorite subjects of study are:  

Views and opinions expressed in this article are the views and opinions of the author(s), International Journal of Education and Practice shall not be responsible or answerable for any loss, damage or liability etc. caused in relation to/arising out of the use of the content.