Journal of Education and Practice2025-03-10T05:16:06-05:00Open Journal Systems use of innovative project-based learning to elevate pre-service teachers’ critical and creative thinking skills 2025-01-31T17:01:34-06:00Rahmawati<p>This study aims to develop an innovative project-based learning (PBL) that fits the purpose of fostering critical and creative thinking skills (CCTS). The innovations were made to the PBL’s syntax and referred to as RAHMA which stood for (1) Recognize the problem. (2) Analyze the problem. (3) Handle a project. (4) Monitor the progress. (5) Assess the result. Attempts were made to make the model valid and practical, capable of improving pre-service biology teachers’ (PSBTs’) CCTS and fitting the purpose of a pedagogical course. This study used Plomp’s research and development model which consisted of three stages: preliminary research, prototyping phase, and assessment phase. The results indicated that the PBL with RAHMA syntax was highly valid and practical. Furthermore, the instruments used to measure the CCTS were also highly valid. In conclusion, PBL with RAHMA syntax and its supporting tools are valid to enhance PSBTs’ CCTS. The implication highlights the necessity of using this learning model in the pedagogical courses that focus on designing products in teamwork.</p>2025-01-31T00:00:00-06:00Copyright (c) 2025 leadership and its relationship to the level of social responsibility among academic leaders in Jordanian universities 2025-01-31T17:09:14-06:00Omar T H Al M Bany Lina Zakaria M<p>This study aims to determine the extent of participative leadership among academic leaders in Jordanian universities and its relationship with social responsibility as perceived by faculty members. This study utilized a descriptive research design, sampling 357 faculty members during the academic year 2022/2023. Data were collected to measure faculty perceptions of participative leadership and social responsibility within their institutions. Results indicated that both participative leadership and social responsibility were perceived at a moderate level among academic leaders. A significant and positive correlation was found between participative leadership and social responsibility suggesting that increased participative leadership is associated with higher levels of social responsibility. The study concludes that enhancing participative leadership practices may positively influence the social responsibility of academic leaders while participative leadership and social responsibility are currently perceived as moderate. This relationship highlights the importance of leadership styles in fostering socially responsible academic environments. The study recommends providing training sessions for academic staff to underscore the importance of participative leadership and social responsibility. Increasing faculty involvement in decision-making processes and expanding access to affordable training opportunities are also suggested to strengthen these practices within Jordanian universities.</p>2025-01-31T00:00:00-06:00Copyright (c) 2025 impact assessment in educational projects: Teachers' perspectives on social net present value2025-01-31T17:15:23-06:00Jesus Verdugo Verdugo Yepez Ricaurte<p>This investigation evaluates professors’ viewpoints on social net present value and its relevance in making decisions about educational projects. The aim of this paper is to examine the factors behind these perceptions and how social NPV should improve the value and social relevance of these projects. A descriptive and correlational research design with a quantitative approach was applied. The study applied a survey to a random sample of 100 teachers from the University State of Milagro selected through stratified random sampling. The information obtained underwent scrutiny using advanced statistical tools like factor analysis to establish the major perceptions towards the social NPV. The findings show that teachers believe social NPV is an important method to enhance the social impact of educational projects. On the other hand, important limitations concerning its implementation were also highlighted including training and insufficient resources. The factor analysis revealed two factors: a positive attitude towards social NPV and possibility – advantages of its use in evaluating educational projects. This paper emphasizes the need to incorporate social NPV in the appraisal of educational projects. However, the teacher sees a great opportunity in it to better connect the policies of education.</p>2025-01-31T00:00:00-06:00Copyright (c) 2025 effectiveness of a program based on differentiated instruction strategies to develop entrepreneurial skills among students 2025-01-31T17:21:44-06:00Asma Margeni Hussien<p>This study investigates the effectiveness of a program based on Differentiated Instruction (DI) in developing entrepreneurial skills among third-grade female students. A quasi-experimental design with experimental and control groups was used to achieve this objective. The study sample consisted of 60 randomly selected students: 30 students in the experimental group and 30 students in the control group. The study tools included a DI-based program of 15 sessions with three sessions dedicated to each skill (planning, decision-making, team management, innovation and responsibility) for the experimental group. In addition, an entrepreneurial skills test comprising 25 items distributed across five main skills was used. The study results show statistically significant differences at 0.05 between the mean scores of the students in the entrepreneurial skills test in favor of the experimental group after calculating the validity, reliability, difficulty, and discrimination indices. This result indicates the program's effectiveness in developing entrepreneurial skills among third-grade female students. The study recommends the inclusion of entrepreneurial skills in the curricula of the early grades in elementary education and the employment of DI strategies in the educational process. The findings highlight the potential for early introduction of entrepreneurial education and provide actionable recommendations for integrating such skills into elementary curricula. </p>2025-01-31T00:00:00-06:00Copyright (c) 2025 of local history learning model based on value clarification techniques to strengthen ethnic identity 2025-01-31T17:25:42-06:00Muhamad<p>This article is intended to find solutions related to the lack of adequate history learning to strengthen ethnic identity and maintain social harmony in a multicultural society through the development of a local history learning model based on the value clarification technique (VCT). The learning model is achieved through research and development using the Plomp model. The learning model goes through an expert validation process, including experts in local history teaching materials, experts in value education, experts in ethnic identity and Saminism, and experts in developing learning models. Furthermore, the learning model was tested on 30 students as participants with a pre-experimental pre-and post-tests one group design. The data collection technique was carried out through the distribution of questionnaires. Data analysis was carried out using descriptive statistics and inferential analysis was performed using a t-test. The results of the t-test showed a significant strengthening of ethnic identity after the trial. The local history learning model based on the value clarification technique (VCT) can strengthen ethnic identity and maintain social harmony. The development of this learning model is possible if history lecturers have experience related to relevant ethnic studies.</p>2025-01-31T00:00:00-06:00Copyright (c) 2025 of transversal skills in the classroom: Perspective of university students 2025-01-31T17:31:38-06:00Carmen Nolasco-Salcedomcns08@gmail.comKleophe Alfaro Castellanoskleophe.alfaro@academicos.udg.mxDiego Ulises Carranza Sahagundiego.carranza@academicos.udg.mxJose Avila Pazjose.apaz@academicos.udg.mxAngelica Patricia Avila<p>This study explores students' perceptions regarding the importance of transversal skills during their university career. It used an exploratory, descriptive, and qualitative approach in this study. The design was appropriate because it allowed the researchers to contextualize how participants perceived transversal skills in the classroom and their role within the study context. Convenience sampling is used in this study. One hundred thirty-three third-semester undergraduate students participated. Participants were interviewed for 30-60 minutes using a validated structured interview guide which was recorded and later transcribed. The Academic Body of Engineering and Systems (EnySis) reviewed the expanded interview texts which considered themes and statements to filter out data pertinent to the study. The results indicated that students in the relevant university programs perceived transversal skills as crucial for social interaction and their progression through undergraduate studies. According to the findings, students believed communication skills were essential. It found that students perceived communication skills as the most important. In higher education, the focus is usually on transmitting technical and theoretical knowledge specific to each area of study. However, it is becoming increasingly clear that students' success in their careers and professional lives depends not only on their technical knowledge but also on their transversal skills. Students must be supported in developing these through university education.</p>2025-01-31T00:00:00-06:00Copyright (c) 2025 sensitivity and inclusivity in teaching: International students' views on faculty competence 2025-01-31T17:38:49-06:00Xiaowen<p>This study investigated international students’ (ISs) perceptions of faculty members’ intercultural teaching competence in US higher education. A cross-sectional quantitative survey design was employed using a newly developed instrument called the student measure of international teaching competence. In total, 198 ISs from 21 countries participated in the study. Exploratory factor analysis and descriptive statistics revealed that specific improvements are needed while ISs generally perceived their faculty as intercultural competent. These include reducing assumptions about students’ prior knowledge, enhancing their understanding of diverse learning styles, integrating cultural backgrounds into the curriculum and offering various assessment methods. These findings underscore the need for comprehensive faculty training programs and institutional policies that promote inclusive teaching practices, ultimately aiming to improve the academic experience and outcomes of ISs.</p>2025-01-31T00:00:00-06:00Copyright (c) 2025 principles and steps for integrating bioinformatics into teaching for pedagogical university students: A case study in Vietnam 2025-01-31T17:42:58-06:00Hang Thi Thi Ngoc Huu Quang Hoang<p>The main objective of this study is to develop the principles and methods for integrating bioinformatics into biology teaching. The study started with analyzing the high school biology curriculum, a survey on bioinformatics knowledge of teachers and pedagogical university students, a survey of teacher training curricula of pedagogical universities and education faculties and proposed principles and steps for integrating bioinformatics into biology teaching. The research results proposed six basic principles and a four-step process to guide pedagogical university students in integrating bioinformatics into biology teaching. The main principles include being simple, identifiable and appropriate for students, being compatible with biological knowledge content and bioinformatics, breaking down the knowledge module for analysis and empowering, personalizing students creating a model for analysis on paper before utilizing a computer and producing particularly good products related to bioinformatics. A four-step process, including selecting knowledge topics suitable for bioinformatics applications, dividing the topic into small knowledge modules, data analysis using bioinformatics, and creating bioinformatics products. The findings of this study provide valuable insights that show that integrating bioinformatics into high school biology teaching is necessary. Applying principles and methods of integrating bioinformatics into teaching promises to improve the quality of biology teaching and promote STEM education in Vietnam and developing countries.</p>2025-01-31T00:00:00-06:00Copyright (c) 2025, psychology and learning motivation in elementary school science learning: A correlational study 2025-01-31T17:50:39-06:00Harlinda Rijal Roro Diah Wahyu<p>This study examines the relationship between anxiety, psychological factors and the motivation to learn science among elementary school students. The research employs a quantitative approach with a correlational design. Purposive sampling was used to select the sample which consisted of 438 elementary school students from Jakarta, Indonesia. Data were gathered through a questionnaire focused on the variables of interest. The data analysis was conducted using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) with the SMART-PLS 3.0 software. The findings reveal a significant value of 0.000 (p < 0.05) indicating a positive and significant relationship between anxiety, psychological conditions, and students' motivation to learn science. Anxiety and psychological factors are critical elements influencing students' motivation to learn. Teachers can better monitor students' learning progress by identifying and addressing these three factors. Properly managed anxiety and favorable psychological conditions can lead to enhanced motivation and support from teachers in fostering a conducive environment. Understanding students' psychological needs plays a crucial role in helping students achieve better academic outcomes in science.</p>2025-01-31T00:00:00-06:00Copyright (c) 2025 impact of the three-semester system on primary grade children's motivation: Perspectives from mothers 2025-01-31T18:01:31-06:00Soha Badawy Mokhtar Ali Makram<p>In the past two academic years, the Saudi Ministry of Education has implemented a three-semester system dividing the academic year into three 13-week terms instead of the traditional two-semester format. This study aims to explore the practical application of the three-semester system and its impact on primary grade children's motivation from their mothers' perspectives. This research involved 250 mothers of children in the first three grades of primary school in the Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia. A quantitative descriptive approach was used to systematically collect and analyze data regarding the phenomenon. Data were gathered through two questionnaires: one assessing the implementation of the three-semester system in primary grades and another evaluating children's achievement motivation. Findings indicate that the increased school duties and assignments under the three-semester system have significantly burdened children compared to the two-semester system. Additionally, no statistically significant differences were found in achievement motivation between boys and girls. Overall, most mothers expressed disagreement with the three-semester system reflected in an average rating of 0.24 and a standard deviation of 0.59. This study sheds light on the implications of the new system on children's motivation and highlights concerns raised by mothers.</p>2025-01-31T00:00:00-06:00Copyright (c) 2025 pre-service teachers' well-being during long-term internships: The roles of self-efficacy, mentoring, and task-related sense of coherence 2025-02-07T08:17:07-06:00Hanna-Sophie Homannhanna-sophie.homann@leuphana.deTimo Beckmanntimo.beckmann@leuphana.deTimo<p>This study investigates the protective influence of different resources on the occupational well-being of pre-service teachers during their long-term internship. This research grounded in the theoretical framework of the JD-R model seeks to comprehend how internal resources such as self-efficacy and task-related sense of coherence (SoC) in pre-service teachers along with external resources such as different mentoring styles can foster engagement and mitigate emotional exhaustion. This study introduces the task-related SoC as a novel internal resource in the context of long-term internships to determine its value alongside other resources. The study used a sample of 213 pre-service teachers who answered self-questionnaires at the beginning and end of their four-month-long internship. Structural equation modeling explored the relationships between self-efficacy beliefs, task-related SoC, mentoring approaches, engagement and emotional exhaustion. Results indicate that self-efficacy and task-related SoC significantly predict pre-service teachers’ occupational well-being. Among mentoring approaches, emotional mentoring emerged as the most influential in fostering well-being. The findings confirm the health-promoting effects of self-efficacy and emotional mentoring. This is the first study to apply the general construct of a sense of coherence to the specific context of a long-term internship. It demonstrates that strengthening pre-service teachers’ SoC about particular tasks can be an additional resource for mental health promotion during this period. The results suggest that supporting pre-service teachers in perceiving their internship activities as comprehensible, meaningful and manageable can be beneficial and should be externally promoted by the university.</p>2025-02-07T00:00:00-06:00Copyright (c) 2025 role of teaching models in developing critical thinking skills: A bibliometric analysis 2025-02-28T03:16:32-06:00 Dessire Amandiz Castro Gloria Angelica Valderrama Italo del Carmen Palacios Karem Acosta<p>This study investigates the impact of innovative teaching models on the development of critical thinking skills among Ecuadorian students, emphasizing the need for further research and development within Ecuador’s educational landscape. A two-phase bibliometric analysis was conducted. The first phase involved a global literature review on teaching models and critical thinking while the second phase focused on Ecuadorian publications. Data collection and analysis were performed using RStudio and VOSviewer following a systematic four-step process: defining search terms, selecting databases, downloading data and analyzing the results. The global analysis revealed a significant increase in publications since 2018 showing that intentional teaching strategies significantly enhance critical thinking skills. In Ecuador, research on this topic is still in its early stages, accounting for only 0.67% of global output. Although Ecuadorian studies indicate promising educational initiatives, they have not yet gained substantial recognition or citations within the academic community. Innovative teaching models play a crucial role in fostering critical thinking skills. However, research in Ecuador remains underrepresented. Enhancing teacher training programs and incorporating advanced didactic methodologies is essential to improve the quality of education in Ecuador and prepare students to address future challenges.</p>2025-02-28T00:00:00-06:00Copyright (c) 2025 influences on students’ choices for computing disciplines in Sri Lankan fee-levying higher education institutes 2025-03-01T03:50:37-06:00 Gangani Chamarie Lubna Ali Mudiyanselage<p>The global higher education (HE) sector has emerged competitive and market-driven in recent years due to the proliferation of fee-levying higher education institutes (HEIs). Consequently, researchers seek to identify the key factors influencing students’ HEI choices to help education administrators develop strategies matching student expectations. However, it is insufficient to determine the important criteria because they differ depending on the degree major and student demographics like gender. Sri Lanka’s HE sector is no exception, yet limited research has been conducted. Therefore, this study aimed to identify whether gender affects the major factors motivating students’ decisions to enroll in an undergraduate programme in a computing discipline in Sri Lanka. The study considered the following three key factors: students’ internal characteristics, institute-related characteristics, and communication channels used by HEIs to disseminate information while 16 sub-factors were also considered. A quantitative approach was used and data were collected through a questionnaire survey of 510 undergraduates across eight HEIs in the country. Data were analysed using SPSS software. The results revealed that the influence of institute-related characteristics and communication channels varied by gender whereas gender had no impact on students’ internal characteristics.Only three of the 16 subfactors were found to differ by gender indicating that gender had no noticeable impact on most of the elements. Academic administrators may find these research findings useful when developing segmented marketing strategies to maximise student enrolment.</p>2025-02-28T00:00:00-06:00Copyright (c) 2025 students' subjective well-being at school based on their coping strategies: A case study on Vietnamese adolescents2025-03-05T22:44:29-06:00Tran Thu Huonghuonghn1978@gmail.comPham Manh Ha hapm.psy@gmail.comTrinh Thi Linhanhlinh_huong@gmail.comPham Hanh Dungphamhanhdung1998@gmail.comTrinh Bao<p>Numerous studies have demonstrated a strong correlation between an individual's coping abilities and their overall mental health and sense of well-being. This study seeks to examine the impact of coping strategies on the well-being of middle and high school students in Vietnam. A total of 1,268 students from various regions in Vietnam were selected as a convenience sample. The average age of the participants was 12.17 years (SD = 1.26). Data was collected through questionnaires utilizing the Proactive Coping Inventory (PCI) and the School Well-being Scale (SWB). The primary findings indicate that Vietnamese students exhibit a relatively high level of well-being in school and tend to employ various intertwined coping strategies, with avoidance coping being the least utilized. Furthermore, the results suggest that positive coping mechanisms are positively associated with school well-being; proactive coping, reflective coping, and emotional support-seeking strategies were identified as predictors of changes in students' well-being at school. Understanding the potential impact of coping strategies on feelings of well-being can offer valuable insights to support the development of prevention programs, training, and guidance to foster appropriate and effective coping strategies among students.</p>2025-03-05T00:00:00-06:00Copyright (c) 2025 learning achievements for Generation Z: The impact of video-based instruction in vocational education 2025-03-06T00:36:53-06:00Kinanti Andi<p>This study investigates the effects of video-based learning on the academic performance of Generation Z students in vocational education. Generation Z is a technologically savvy population that relies on digital media in their daily activities. The study focused on 60 students participating in Universitas Negeri Medan's Material Technology practical course using the Instructional Development Institute (IDI) paradigm. As part of the development process, team-based project learning-specific video-based learning materials were defined, created and assessed. A quasi-experimental design was used with pre- and post-test data. Data were analyzed using SPSS to perform normality, homogeneity, and t-tests to evaluate learning results between groups using video-based learning material and those who did not. The results showed a significant improvement in learning outcomes for students who used video-based learning media with an average post-test score of 88.57 compared to the control group. The t-test results indicated t<sub>calculated</sub> (5.868) > t<sub>table</sub> (2.00172) demonstrating that the video-based method considerably boosted student performance with an 88.57% effectiveness rate. Video-based instructional media was an effective technique for improving Generation Z students' learning outcomes in vocational education particularly practical courses. The findings imply that integrating video-based learning in vocational education courses can dramatically improve students' engagement and performance.</p>2025-03-05T00:00:00-06:00Copyright (c) 2025 of the steam approach in grade school mathematics instruction: Insights and challenges from math teachers' perspectives2025-03-06T02:54:56-06:00Awad Faek<p>The current research explores how far the STEAM approach has been adopted in teaching mathematics in Jordan based on math teachers’ perspectives. Moreover, it examines the challenges that hinder the implementation of the STEAM model. A mixed-method research design involving descriptive-analytical methods and semi-structured interviews was adopted. The primary study tool is a specially designed questionnaire with four main axes. The questionnaire was randomly distributed to a selected sample of 304 math teachers working in government schools in Amman. The results depicted a moderate adoption of the STEAM approach in mathematics education. No statistically significant differences (p>0.05) were observed in the variables of gender or grade level taught. However, statistically significant differences (p>0.05) were found for the variables of training courses and teaching experience with those who had received specialized training courses in STEAM and those with five or more years of teaching experience demonstrating higher levels of implementation. Mathematics teachers faced challenges in using Artificial Intelligence (AI) and incorporating it into the teaching process when instructing students of the upper high school grades (ninth and tenth grades). Different challenges were classified into AI-related, teacher-related, student-related, curriculum and content-related and school and classroom environment-related obstacles.</p>2025-03-05T00:00:00-06:00Copyright (c) 2025 of EFL teachers on integrating ai tools for foundation-level English language instruction 2025-03-06T03:32:56-06:00 Zafar Iqbal Mohsen Pathippallil<p>This study investigates how EFL teachers at the Preparatory Studies Centre (PSC) of the University of Technology and Applied Sciences - Al Mussanah (UTAS-A) perceive using AI tools for teaching English to foundation-level students. It measures the following constructs: a) teachers’ preparedness and level of comfort with AI tools. b) The frequency of their use of AI tools in classroom teaching. c) The effectiveness of AI tools in teaching and learning. A descriptive approach was adopted by administering an online survey to 21 EFL teachers at the PSC. The data analyzed using Mann-Whitney and Kruskal-Wallis tests suggest no difference in teachers’ perceptions regarding AI tool integration in teaching based on age, gender, experience, and teaching level. The results show that teachers felt relatively comfortable using AI for language instruction. They considered the impact of AI tools on students’ language skills, vocabulary and pronunciation to be mildly constructive but this did not extend to grammar. They had relatively positive perceptions of the impact of AI tools on student engagement but viewed their impact on critical thinking skills negatively. They were more inclined to use AI for materials preparation than for assignments, grading, and providing feedback on language. The study recommends providing support and resources for teachers who may feel less prepared or uncomfortable with AI tools. The findings of the study have significant implications for stakeholders in promoting the effective integration of AI technology in language teaching practices.</p>2025-03-05T00:00:00-06:00Copyright (c) 2025 engineering thinking skills of pre-service IT teachers through cross-cutting educational technologies and stem projects 2025-03-07T22:47:46-06:00Kymbatsha Mukhamediyevakymbatsha@gmail.comZhanat Nurgazinovanurgasinova@gmail.comGaukhar<p>The skill of engineering thinking is one of the relevant and in-demand competencies of the pre-service teachers of Information Technology (IT teachers) in STEM education. The aim of the research is to develop the engineering thinking skills for pre-service IT teachers using cross-cutting educational technologies and STEM projects. The paper shows the two students’ authors` projects in which the students master engineering design and develop the teacher guide with worksheets. Professional training skills are developed as a result of the guide enhancement. During the training, observations were carried out between the control and experimental groups to measure academic performance data and identify any differences between them. The practical teachers and the STEM experts were involved to determine the level of the acquired skills. The results showed that the students who participated in the experiment significantly improved their engineering thinking level and provided themselves with the knowledge and skills necessary for a successful career in scientific, technical and engineering fields. The research allowed determining the effectiveness of the approach based on the use of cross-cutting educational technologies in the development of the author's integrated STEM projects.</p>2025-03-07T00:00:00-06:00Copyright (c) 2025 and social reintegration analysis of the entrepreneurial potential of a group of inmates2025-03-08T01:02:15-06:00Roberto Sanz Ponceroberto.sanz@ucv.esJuan Antonio Gimenez-Beutjantonio.gimenez@ucv.esAngela Serrano<p>Inmates need to acquire the skills for their reintegration into society. Entrepreneurship education plays an important role. This article aims to determine the entrepreneurial potential of inmates studying for their secondary education graduate diploma and compare it with the non-prison student population attending the same studies. The design of this study is a cross-sectional survey with two convenience groups. This is a non-experimental, descriptive, cross-sectional study given the nature of the groups and the lack of manipulation or random assignment. 102 inmates from the "Antonio Asunción" prison in Picassent (Valencia, Spain) participated in the survey. The Attitude Toward Enterprise Test (ATE-S) was used. Non-parametric statistics were used since the normality condition was not met and were carried out using R software version 4.3.0. Among the results, it is worth highlighting the high scores of inmate students in the questions referring to the motivation dimension. On the other hand, they have worse results in everything related to the leadership dimension. About the comparative results, higher entrepreneurial potential is observed in inmates compared to students in ordinary schools in general terms both in educational levels and in all dimensions except in the personal control dimension. There is a need to strengthen the leadership dimension among inmate students to facilitate the transition from prison to freedom. In addition, workshops should be implemented to facilitate the acquisition of certain transversal competencies that will develop their future employability.</p>2025-03-07T00:00:00-06:00Copyright (c) 2025 level of academic self-efficacy and its relationship to achievement goal orientations and academic achievement 2025-03-08T01:43:20-06:00Ahmed Abdulaziz<p>This research aimed to determine the degree of academic self-efficacy among postgraduate university students and to explore its correlation with achievement goal orientation and academic achievement. The study employed a quantitative descriptive and comparative methodology, sampling 363 male and female postgraduate students from diverse disciplines within the College of Education at King Saud University. An achievement goal orientation scale along with a self-constructed academic self-efficacy scale was used for data collection. The findings indicated that students exhibited a high level of academic self-efficacy. However, no significant relationship was found between academic self-efficacy and performance-approach or performance-avoidance orientations. A negative correlation was observed between academic self-efficacy and mastery-avoidance orientation, a positive relationship between academic self-efficacy and mastery-approach orientation and a positive relationship between academic self-efficacy and academic achievement. There were also differences in academic self-efficacy according to the stage of study (M.A. versus Ph.D.) However, no significant differences were found in academic self-efficacy according to gender (male and female).</p>2025-03-07T00:00:00-06:00Copyright (c) 2025 integration of mathematical modeling tasks into primary education: A comparative study of Croatia and Slovenia 2025-03-08T07:03:44-06:00Mateja Sabo Jungermateja.sabojunger@ufzg.hrAlenka<p>This study examines the practical aspects of introducing mathematical modeling into primary mathematics education in Slovenia and Croatia. It aims to explore how students approach mathematical modeling tasks, whether they rely solely on mathematical operations or integrate non-mathematical knowledge, and what strategies they employ during problem-solving. Teachers in Slovenia and Croatia were prepared by training to present mathematical modelling tasks to 231 students, ages 10 to 11. Students solved three group tasks analyzed using a three-level framework to assess solution sophistication. Most students demonstrated basic problem-solving strategies with a smaller proportion achieving advanced reasoning and multi-criteria analysis. Croatian students more frequently employed diverse strategies reflecting differences in curricular emphasis between the two countries. The ability to engage in mathematical modeling is essential in today’s world, yet effective teaching approaches remain undefined. This study underscores its potential in primary education and calls for further research to refine instructional methods and enhance student outcomes. Teachers can be trained in less than three months to effectively implement mathematical modeling tasks. With this training, students can develop foundational modeling skills in fewer than six lessons, enabling them to apply mathematical reasoning to real-world problems.</p>2025-03-07T00:00:00-06:00Copyright (c) 2025 of distance learning in primary education for teachers, students, and their parents 2025-03-10T00:27:12-05:00Mahammad AL-Abdulghafourdr.alabdulghafour@gmail.comRashed Al Saheldralsahel@gmail.comAnwar Bokubaranwarbokubar@gmail.comJean-Pierre<p>The COVID-19 pandemic affected education patterns worldwide. A broad shift was seen from traditional education to distance learning. Teachers, students, and parents faced several novel difficulties. The purpose of the study is to investigate (1) the difficulties in distance learning faced by students, teachers, and parents and (2) the relationship between demographic variables and the difficulties of distance learning as perceived by teachers and parents. Therefore, the study follows a descriptive survey approach using a questionnaire containing 25 questions divided into the following three categories: (a) students’ difficulties, (b) teachers’ difficulties, and (c) parents’ difficulties. The sample included 258 parents and teachers selected from Kuwait. The result of the study found (1) a significant relationship between the mother’s education level and student difficulties, (2) teachers’ location in Kuwait was significantly correlated with their difficulties, (3) the student’s age correlated with parent difficulties, (4) no significant differences were found based on the student’s gender, and (5) no correlation was found between the student’s academic level and the difficulties faced. In a nutshell, the findings emphasize the need for training programs to address distance learning challenges and implement strategies to enhance learning quality.</p>2025-03-07T00:00:00-06:00Copyright (c) 2025 effectiveness of self-controlled video feedback in improving the teaching of track and field sports in physical education teachers from Chinese universities 2025-03-10T04:18:06-05:00Xiyao<p>This study aimed to explore the effectiveness of self-controlled video feedback in improving the teaching of track and field sports among physical education teachers at Chinese universities. A cross-sectional survey was conducted with 144 Chinese track and field teachers. The data was collected using a researcher-made online survey questionnaire for this research. This questionnaire used a five-point Likert scale to assess the impact of self-controlled video feedback on teaching and student performance. Data were analyzed using factor analysis, ANOVA and regression to evaluate the relationship between self-controlled video feedback, teacher effectiveness, and student outcomes. The findings revealed that self-controlled video feedback significantly improved the teaching effectiveness of Chinese track and field teachers, which was closely associated with increased proactivity among both teachers and students in evaluating physical education performance. Additionally, the use of this method was linked to improvements in motor skills and performance among students. However, the role of teachers in using this method to enhance student performance was not found to be significant. These discrepancies could be attributed to factors such as low digital competence among teachers and inadequate student involvement. The study highlights the need for further policies and training to address these challenges, ensuring more effective use of self-controlled video feedback in Chinese track and field teaching. </p>2025-03-10T00:00:00-05:00Copyright (c) 2025 to learn: An education policy applied in Indonesia and its potential benefits as perceived by Islamic education students 2025-03-10T05:16:06-05:00Rustan Hawa Afifah Khurin Makninafifahkhurin02@gmail.comAbdul Rahim<p>This study establishes a model for students-perceived merits of the policy of freedom to learn applied in Indonesia. The main purpose of this study is to construct the number of perceptions of Islamic students and create factors taking into account the variation in a set of indicators. A quantitative method was designed in this study to process data that were collected using a questionnaire. The sample consisted of 273 participants in Islamic higher education institutions. Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) was employed to model and present results of data. The results find that Islamic students-perceived merits on the policy of freedom to learn applied in their campus create applicable eleven indicators that are constructed into the following three factors consisting of timeliness, comparability and persistence. This finding discloses that the educational policy through freedom benefits students of Islamic education in the context of timeliness, comparability and persistence. This study is intended to be addressed to policymakers and regulators, offering evidence-based recommendations that can inform the development and refinement of policies in the higher education sector. In this regard, the study serves as constructive feedback on the existing policies in Indonesia with the potential to guide future policy adjustments and improvements to better meet the needs and expectations of education.</p>2025-03-10T00:00:00-05:00Copyright (c) 2025