

Work performance requires the integration of ability, efforts and the opportunity gained. This means that work performance is the result of work for a specified period of time and it accentuates more on the result of work completed for a specified period of time. One of the duties personnel department held responsible for in improving teacher job performance is through providing communication, implementing teacher career development program and motivating teachers so as to create work performance. This study sought to determine the influence of communication, career development and work motivation on work performance of elementary school teachers in Medan, Indonesia. The research was conducted on elementary school teachers in Medan. The research is descriptive quantitative research in nature. Upon analyzing the data, it was discovered that there is a positive and significant influence between the variables of communication (X1), work motivation (X2) and career development (X3) collectively on the dependent variable of work achievement (Y) of elementary school teacher in Medan namely 55,998 and the results of adjusted coefficient of determination (R Square) discovered that the variables of communication (X1), work motivation (X2) and career development (X3) collectively influence the dependent variable of work achievement (Y) amounting to 83,9% which means that R Square = 0,70 is strongly related. Thus, it can be concluded that 70,4% of factors influencing work performance stem from communication, work motivation and career development, whereas the remaining 69.2% is influenced by other factors.

Keywords: Communication, Work motivation, Career development, Work performance.

Received: 28 July 2017 / Revised: 17 August 2017 / Accepted: 29 August 2017 / Published: 11 September 2017

Contribution/ Originality

The paper’s primary contribution of the study is that it’s finding association between communications, working motivation for career development on the performance of elementary school teachers. It is proven that communication, work motivation and career development are very important and have great potential to improve teacher performance, so as to make new breakthrough on their performance.


In achieving its goals, every institution or organization requires good management and things associated with efforts in reaching institutional and organizational goals. Among these efforts is communication applied in each organization. Operating activities at institutions and organizations is almost impossible without good communication, either between the management and the teacher or among the teachers themselves. These factors play an imperative role in achieving institutional and organizational goal which in this case is effective work performance. Fundamentally, an organization is defined as a form of cooperation between two or more people. Either it is called an organization or a group, it has a common goal of achieving something. Communication is an important part of work life. It is commonly noted that poor communication might have a broad impact on organizational life. On the contrary, effective communication might enhance mutual understanding, cooperation as well as work effectiveness. Considering that those working in an organization in achieving a common goal are a group of human resources with various characters, hence open communication shall be effectively developed.

Consequently, each teacher in an organization is aware of his/her responsibility and authority of each. Teachers with good communication skills enable them to obtain and develop their duties assigned which in the end improves their teacher performance level. Workplace communication plays a vital role in promoting the smoothness and effectiveness of teacher job performance in an institution and an organization. To foster a more effective communication, various factors that promote success shall be collectively used.

In an attempt to improve human resources performance, several obstacles are normally encountered since performance has diverse concepts and can be analyzed from different points of view and influenced by various factors, including the factor of teacher’s ability and the support from external motivation, especially from that of superior. Human behavior has always hinged upon the existence of such motivation, regardless of high and low motivation. According to Robbins (2007 ) motivation is a willingness to exert high levels of effort to reach organizational goals, conditioned by ability, to satisfy some individual need.

Teachers who work with high motivation are the expectation of every institution or organization. Therefore, in order to increase or decrease one's motivation, theoretically, we need to seek to investigate the person’s needs at a certain time. Dissatisfied teachers usually display low work motivation. This can be seen at a workplace where teachers show lack of spirit, laziness, slowness leading to a waste of time, money and so on. Career development is an effort to reduce or to eliminate the gap between the work result produced by teacher's competency and to produce the work desired by an institution or an organization.

Table-1. The number of elementary school teachers in Medan year 2016/2017

No Territory Elementary School Teachers
    Number Male Female
1 Medan Kota  Sub district 512 90 422
2 Medan Helvetia Sub district 834 138 696
3 Medan Denai Sub district 1.108 180 928
4 Medan Johor Sub district 842 138 704
5 Medan Tembung Sub district 611 109 502
6 Medan Timur Sub district 709 133 576
7 Medan Sunggal Sub district 732 119 613
8 Medan Marelan Sub district 868 147 721
9 Medan Labuhan Sub district 793 127 666
10 Medan Amplas Sub district 540 86 454
11 Medan Barat Sub district 438 74 364
12 Medan Tuntungan Sub district 548 74 474
13 Medan Deli Sub district 737 126 611
14 Medan Selayang Sub district 454 110 344
15 Medan Area Sub district 583 104 479
16 Medan Petisah Sub district 299 42 257
17 Medan Perjuangan Sub district 562 90 472
18 Medan Kota Belawan Sub district 550 86 464
19 Medan Maimun Sub district 364 81 283
20 Medan Baru Sub district 358 62 296
21 Medan Polonia Sub district 231 46 185
Total 12.673 2.162 10.511


Efforts to improve teachers' work capabilities can be made through increasing knowledge, skills and changing attitudes so that the values and competitiveness of the institution and organization is added. With all potentials  a teacher has, s/he can be consistently involved in a training and development for becoming more empowered and optimally achieving in order to reach institutional and organizational goals. Career development has an influence on teacher job performance. Career development carried out by teachers in institutions and organizations enable teachers to increase knowledge and capability in a certain field so that teacher job performance is positively affected. Work performance is a potential that every teacher should have in carrying out his/her duties and responsibility mandated by the institution or organization to the teacher. With good work performance, every teacher can easily work on institutions and organizations burden effectively and efficiently so that problems found in institutions and organizations can be properly resolved. Table 1 below illustrates the number of elementary school teachers in Medan.  

The integration of ability, effort and opportunity gained by teachers is believed to influence teacher’s job performance. This means that work performance is the result of teachers’ work in working for a certain period of time and the result of work completed by teachers in a certain period of time is therefore important. One of the responsibilities of personnel management in improving teacher job performance is by conducting teacher career development program. Good performance can be created when teachers feel happy and pleased in the workplace. Career development is a process where a teacher feels the need to improve his/her work. The improvements include promotion in the position, powers and responsibilities. A good career improvement system shall encourage teachers to work harder so that their work performance increases and subsequently has a significant impact on the institution or organization. However, in any institution and organization, one particular problem has been persistent in teacher career development, that is the position of teacher cannot be promoted into a higher level position as in other professions in other institutions and other organizations. Based on this background, we are interested to conduct a research on the influence of communication, career development and work motivation on work performance in Elementary School Teachers in Medan.


2.1. Definition of Communication

Communication plays an pivotal role in a social interaction and influences the world of work. The use of communication both verbally and non verbally has a significant influence on the work environment embodied in the vision and mission of institutions and organizations. Consequently, an effective communication is required to manage institutions and organizations. The more effective communication is fostered in each department, the more productive the behavior of teachers in carrying out their work. Kreitner and Kinicki in Wibowo (2013 ) define communication as "Exchanging information between the sender and receiver, and drawing conclusions arised from perceptions formed by meaning of something among the individuals involved. Sopiah (2008 ) puts forth: "Communication is defined as the delivery or exchange of information from the sender to the recipient, either verbally, written or using communication tool".

Win net in Suprapto (2009 ) argues that "communication is an interpersonal interaction using linguistic symbol system, such as verbal symbol system (words and non-verbals). This system can be disseminated directly/face to face or through other media (verbal, oral or other media)". Hence, it can be concluded that communication is essentially the process of delivering information from one party be it individual or group as a sender to the other party as a receiver to understand and opens up the opportunity to respond back to sender.

2.2. Definition of Motivation

Motivation is a driving force from within an individual’s heart to do something in order to meet a goal. Motivation can also be defined as a plan or desire to lead to success and avoid failure in life. In other words, motivation is a process for achieving a goal. Someone who has motivation means he has the power to lead a successful life. According to Winardi (2007 ) motivation derives from the word “motivation” which means "to move".

Motivation is the result of a number of internal or external processes within an individual, leading to the attitude of enthusiasm and persistence in carrying out certain activities. Whereas work motivation is a potential power that exists within a human being, which can be personally developed or developed by a number of external forces that essentially revolve around monetary and nonmonetary rewards. This can affect work performance results in a positive or negative manner, depending upon the situation and conditions faced by an individual.

2.3. Types of Motivation

According Hariandja (2002 ) motivation is divided into two different types; positive motivation and negative motivation. Below are the definitions:

2.3.1. Positive Work Motivation

Positive work motivation is an effort made by a teacher to work well with the aim of gaining communication in meeting the needs of his life and fully participating on the work assigned by the institution or organization or organization responsibly.

2.3.2. Negative Work Motivation

Negative work motivation is performed with the aim of avoiding mistakes that might potentially arise during work. In addition to that, negative work motivation is also beneficial in that teachers do not neglect their obligations. Negative work motivation can be in the forms of sanctions, suspensions, demotions or imposition of fines".

2.4. Definition of Career Development

The term “teachers career development” often raises doubts and is often misconstrued in today’s terms which have been more widely used in practice as in education and training sector. These doubts and misconceptions are needless to arise since in the essence the definition of the words implied in this term are interconnected and it shows a common activity which is an effort to increase knowledge, skills and attitude of operation teachers or managerial teachers.
Martoyo (2008 ) puts forward that "career development is a condition that shows there is an improvement of one's status within an organization wherein the career path has been set forth in the organization". Handoko (2011 ) elaborates that "career development has a wider scope in an effort to improve and enhance knowledge, abilities, attitudes and personality traits."
According to Komang (in Sugiyono (2012 )) "career development is a personal development that a person undertakes in order to achieve a career plan and up gradation by the human resource department to achieve work plans in accordance with the path set by the organization." From this definition, it can be inferred that teachers career development is an effort aimed at advancing the teaching profession so that it can help change teacher's attitude towards his/her work with regards to attitude, knowledge and ability. 

2.4. Definition of Teacher Job Performance

Job performance or work performance is a measure of success or an achievement of a teacher. In performing his/her tasks or jobs, a teacher has always wanted to know the results of his/her work whether good or bad and whether any progress has been made or any setback have been created. With regard to this, work performance plays an important role for institutions and organizations and for the teachers themselves. The sustainability of an institution or organization depends upon the achievement of its teacher in carrying out the work. Therefore, teachers are the most important institutional and organizational elements that should of taken into account.

In achieving institutional and organizational goals, it would be less effective if a number of teachers fail to show good work performances and consequently results in a burden for institutions and organizations. Therefore, teacher job performances should really be of great concern. Hasibuan (2012 ) defines work performance as "the result of work achieved by a teacher in carrying out his/her duties assigned in accordance with the skills, experiences and seriousness and time".

Meanwhile, Wibowo (2013 ) defines work performance as "the result of work that has a strong relationship with the organization's strategic goals, customer satisfaction and contributes to the local economy". In addition to that, Prawiro sentono (in Sutrisno (2011 )) suggests that work performance as "the result of work that can be achieved by a person or group of people in an organization in accordance with their own authorities and responsibilities in order to achieve organizational goals in a legal manner, without violating applicable rules and regulations and in accordance with the morals or ethics". 

2.5. Factors Affecting Work Performance

Every individual is born with a natural inclination towards badness, goals, desires and basic impulses. With that respect, humans experience self-changes based on experiences, practices, learning and interaction with the environment in terms of physical, social and psychological needs of which in the world of work can be dominantly influenced by different interests, goals and objectives of institutions and organizations. This will somehow affect the job performance, therefore, good work results must be achieved by teachers.

A teacher as an important institutional and organizational resource requires encouragement and guidance towards achieving high job performance on the works they perform. It is everyone’s nature to hope to be successful in life. Every activity a teacher performs does not necessarily always lead to satisfactory results. This is since an individual’s success is influenced by several different factors. Mangkunegara (2013 ) claims that the factors that need to be taken into account in teacher job performance include:

1. Quality of work which includes neatness, accuracy and its relation to the results of work regardless of the volume of work. With good quality of work, one can avoid committing errors in performing a job and thus the result of work productivity can be beneficial to the development of institutions and organizations.

2. Quantity of work, that is the volume of work produced under normal conditions. Quantity of work indicates the many types of work completed in one period of time so that efficiency and effectiveness can be implemented in accordance with institutional and organizational goals.

  1. Responsibility which shows to what extent teachers hold responsible for teacher’s work results, facilities and infrastructure used and their work behavior.
  2. Initiatives, which shows how capable a teacher is in analyzing, assessing, creating and making problem-solving decisions he or she faces.
  3. Cooperation, which is the willingness of teachers to participate in collaboration with other peer teachers either vertically or horizontally, inside or outside of the work scope so that it leads to a better work performance.
  4. Obedience, which is the willingness of teachers to comply with prevailing regulations and perform their work in accordance with the instructions given to them.

As for teachers, high levels of work performance can benefit themselves in terms of increased salaries, catching an opportunity to be promoted, unlikely chance for demotion and making them more of an expert and experienced in the field. On the contrary, low levels of teacher performance indicate that the teacher is in fact incompetent in performing his/her work and poor in work relationships. Teacher job performance will undeniably have an impact on the teachers themselves.

As a result, a teacher may find it difficult to be promoted to a higher level of employment, increasing the possibility for being demoted and ultimately causing the teacher to experience employment termination from the institution or organization in which s/he works. High level of work performance will increase the productivity of institutions and organizations, thus reducing teacher turnover rates and strengthening the management of institutions and organizations.

On the contrary, low level of teacher work performance might potentially decrease the level of work quality and productivity as well as increase teacher turnover rates which will ultimately lead to decreased income of an institution and organization. The main thing required by institutions and organizations of their teachers is good work performance in accordance with standards stipulated by the institution and organization.


3.1. Subject of Research

This research variable consists of independent variables and a dependent variable. The independent variables are comprised of communication, work motivation and career development, whereas the dependent variable is work performance.

3.2. Population and Sample

3.2.1. Population

In the present study, the population involve all elementary school teachers in the city of Medan, Indonesia, amounting to 12,673 persons.

3.3. Sample

The samples were gathered by using Slovin formula as proposed by Umar (2005 ) as follows:

n = number of samples
N = total population
E = error tolerance limit 5%
With a population of 12,673 persons and an error rate (e) of 5%, the samples (n) of this study were calculated as follows: 

N = 387.7
N = 388 people (round)
Thus, the number of samples used as respondents in this study is as many as 388 people.

3.3. Data Collection Technique

The techniques for collecting the data are as follows:
1. Literature Study
2. The literature study is done by collecting and studying the data obtained from books, journals and websites in relation to this research.

3.4. Questionnaire

This study uses  the likert scale in order to measure attitudes, opinions and perceptions of an individual. The scale applies 1 to 5 score of which since by omitting the middle value (neutral or hesitant), the measurement scale will be a lot more symmetrical and tends to lean towards positive direction as much as leaning towards negative direction. In addition to that, the omission of the middle value is also aimed at avoiding the category of neutral answers that tend to be chosen by  respondents leading to the different data among respondents tend to be less informative. The five answer alternatives are shown in the following Table 1:

Tabel-2. Likert Scale Instrument

Strongly Agree (SS)
Agree (S)
Simply Agree (CS)
Disagree (TS)
Strongly Disagree (STS)

Source: Priyatno (2010 )

3.5. Data Quality Testing

Prior to collecting the data, it is important to firsthand conduct validity and reliability test of the questionnaires.

3.6. Validity Testing

Validity testing in this research is used to test the validity of questionnaires. Validity indicates the extent and the accuracy of a measuring instrument in performing its measuring function. Priyatno (2010 ) argues that if all items achieve a correlation coefficient of at least 0.30, the distinguishing characters are then considered satisfactory. However, we can also lower the criterion limits if the number of items has not met 0.30 to 0.25. This calculation is done with the help of SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences) computer program. In order determine valid and invalid item numbers, Table r product moment is needed for calculation. The criteria of the validity test are:

a. If r count > rtabel  (at a significant level of 5%), it can be inferred that the questionnaire item is valid.
b. If r count <rtabel  (at a significant level of 5%), it can be inferred that the questionnaire item is not valid.

3.7. Reliability Testing

Reliability is an index indicating the extent to which measurement results are considered reliable. The measurement results can be trusted or reliable only if in several times the measurements on the same subject group relatively revealed the same results as long as the aspects measured in the subject have not changed. For testing, certain limits are applied such as 0.6. According to Priyatno (2010 ) the reliability of less than 0.6 is not good enough while 0.7 is acceptable and above 0.8 is good.

In this study, we adopt the following data analysis techniques:
Descriptive Analysis Method
Classical assumption test

The classical assumption test is divided into 3 categories, namely:
1. Normality Test
2. Multicollinearity test
3. Heteroscedasticity test

Multiple Linear Regression Analysis
1. T-Test
2. F-Test
3. Coefficient of determination (R2)


4.1. Validity Testing

The test results of communication and work motivation variables that affect teacher performance is illustrated in Table 3 below:

Tabel-3. Result of Validity Testing

Validity Testing Results
Variable Instruments
Corrected Item Total Correlation
Work Motivation
Career Development
Work Performance

Source: Research Results, 2017 (Processed Data)

4.2. Reliability Testing

Table-4. Results of Realibility Testing

Reliability Testing Results
Variable Instruments
Corrected Item Total Correlation
Work Motivation
Career Development
Work Performance

Source: Research Results, 2017 (Processed Data)

4.3. Classical Assumptions

4.3.1. Normality Test

Figure-1. Histogram Normality Test

Source: Processed Data, 2017

In the histogram graph above, it is seen that the variables are normally distributed, indicated by the data that do not deviate to the left or right.

Figure-2. P-Plo Normality Test

Source: Processed Data, 2017

In the scattered plot, there are some points that follow the data along the diagonal line. This means the data is normally distributed.

4.4. Multicollinearity Test

Table-5. Multicollinearity Test


Unstandardized Coefficients
Standardized Coefficients
Collinearity Statistics
Std. Error

a. Dependent Variable: Y

In table 4.11 above, it can be seen that the variables of communication (X1), work motivation (X2) and career development (X3) have a VIF of smaller than 5, which indicates that there is no problem in the regression analysis. The tolerance values show no problem because the value is close to one.

4.5. Heteroscedasticity Test

Figure-3. Scatterplot of Heteroscedasticity Test

Source: Processed Data, 2017

The regression model used in this study did not experience heteroscedasticity.

4.6. Hypothesis Testing

4.6.1. F Statistical Test

Tabel-6. F-Test


Sum of Squares
Mean Square

 a. Predictors: (Constant), X3,X2, X1
b. Dependent Variable: Y
Source: Processed Data, 2015

Result of F count test in the above table shows that the value of F count in column (F) is 75,998 while the Ftabel value is to 3,20. The significant value (sig) is 0,000. Hence, the value of F count (75,998) > Ftabel (3.20) and F sig (0,000) < a (0,05). Based on the hypothesis test criteria, it is concluded that Ho is rejected and Ha accepted. The independent variables; communication (X1), work motivation (X2) and career development (X3) collectively have an effect on the dependent variable of job performance (Y).

4.7. Partial Test (T Test)

Table-7. Partial Test (T-Test)


Unstandardized Coefficients
Standardized Coefficients
Collinearity Statistics
Std. Error

a. Dependent Variable: Y
Source: Processed Data, 2017

The above table shows that

a.         The variable of communication positively and significantly influence teachers’ performances. This can be seen from t count (2,660) > t table (2.012) and T sig (0,000) < a (0,05). Based on hypothesis test criteria, it is concluded that Ha is accepted and Ho is rejected. The variable of communication significantly influences job performance of elementary school teachers in Medan.

b.   The variable of work motivation has a positive and significant influence on the performance of elementary school teachers in Medan. This can be seen from t count (5,513) > t table (2.012) and T sig (0,000) < a (0,05). Based on this criteria, it is concluded that Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted where partial motivation as the independent variable has a significant influence on the dependent variable which is the performance of elementary teachers in Medan.

c.   The variable of career development has a positive and significant influence on the performance of elementary school teachers in Medan. This can be seen from t count (7,541)> t table (2.012) and T sig (0,000) < a (0,05). Based on this criteria, it is concluded that Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted in which career development as the independent variable partially has a significant influence on the dependent variable which is the performance of elementary school teachers in Medan. The variable of career development has the greatest value among other variables which influence work performance. Thus, it can be inferred that career development is a major factor that elementary school teachers in Medan has paid attention to and career development is a highly determining variable in improving the performance of elementary school teachers in the city of Medan.

4.8. Determinant Testing (R2)

Table-8. Determinant Testing (R2)

Model Summary b

R Square
Adjusted R Square
Std. Error of the Estimate

a. Predictors: (Constant), X3,X2, X1
b. Dependent Variable: Y
Source: Processed Data, 2017

The table shows that the value of r = 0.839, which means that the variables of communication (X1), work motivation (X2) and career development (X3) collectively influence the dependent variable i.e. work performance (Y) with as much as 83.9% meaning that R Square = 0.704 is strongly related, where 70.4% of the factors affecting work performance are communication, work motivation and career development. While the remaining 69.2% is influenced by other factors.


The variables of communication (X1), work motivation (X2) and career development (X3) collectively influence the dependent variable i.e. work performance (Y) and are the factors influencing positively and  simultaneously the performance of elementary school teachers in Medan. The variable of communication positively and significantly influence the performance of elementary teachers. This can be seen from t count (2,660) > t table (2.012).

The variable of work motivation has a positive and significant impact on the performance of elementary school teachers in Medan. This can be seen from t count (5,513) > t table (2.012). The variable of career development has a positive and significant impact on the performance of elementary school teachers in Medan. It can be seen from t count (7,541)> t table (2.012). Based on test of determination, it was discovered that value r = 0,839, meaning that there is relationship between career development and communication to the performance of elementary school teachers which is 83,9% meaning that there is a strong relationship, where the value of R Square = 0,704. Hence, 70,4% of factors influencing work performance are career development and communication, while the remaining 69.2% is influenced by other factors.


Based on analysis results, the following conclusions can be drawn:
1. Communication, work motivation and career development collectively or simultaneously have a positive and significant impact on the performance of elementary school teachers in Medan.

2. Based on T Test, it can be concluded that communication, work motivation and career development have a positive and significant impact on the performance of elementary school teachers in Medan. The third variable namely career development has the most dominant expected value among other two independent variables.

3. Based on the calculation of the coefficient of determination (R2), r value was obtained to be 0.839, which means that there is a relationship between communication, work motivation and career development on the performance of elementary school teachers in Medan at 83.9%, hence, it is strongly related, R Square = 0.704 , meaning that 70.4% of factors affecting the performance of elementary school teachers in Medan City are communication, work motivation and career development. While the remaining 69.2% influenced by other factors. Other factors might include business competition, compensation, training and employee development and other factors.

Funding: This study received no specific financial support.
Competing Interests: The authors declare that they have no competing interests.
Contributors/Acknowledgement: Both authors contributed equally to the conception and design of the study.


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