Nepalese banking in the digital era: An evolution of mobile banking adaptation
The research paper assesses the influence of perceived ease of use, perceived trust, social influence, and facilitating conditions on behavioral intention to adopt mobile banking services. The study fills up the research gap revealed in the literature. Research embraced the positivism philosophy and deductive approach. The cross-sectional primary sources of data employed for the study. A convenience sampling technique was employed in this research. The structured questionnaire of 607 was distributed to respondents in Kathmandu, Nepal, and received only 400 useful questionnaires. Descriptive statistics were utilized to depict the general background information of respondents. Correlation analysis was utilized to assess links between predictors and response variables. Further, linear regression analysis is employed to investigate the effects of predictors on response variables. The findings of the result revealed positive links between perceived ease of use, perceived trust, social influence, facilitating conditions, and behavioral intention to adopt mobile banking services. It depicted that the factors determining the behavioral intention for the adoption of mobile banking services depend on perceived ease of use, perceived trust, social influence, and facilitating conditions. The findings of this study contribute to existing literature and can be applied to understand the determining factors of the behavioral intention of users of mobile banking services to adopt appropriate policy and for the decision-making process.