

Tuban District or formerly known as Kambang Putih is one of the districts in East Java located on the northern coast of Java. Tuban has great potential in marine field and the majority of the population work as fishermen. Historical facts have explained that Tuban once had a port that has a big role in the reverse flow of world civilization, namely the port of Kambang Putih. It should be preserved to this day, to further optimize the heterogeneous economic activity. The port is one of the economic distribution access which is suitable with coastal community or fisherman especially in trade field. Socio-cultural society that has several rides of sea tourism make Tuban has its own attraction for the people to visit it. Authors writing this scientific paper using qualitative research methods with descriptive approach. Data collected in the form of words, both in the form of oral and written in the form of pictures and documents, and the behavior of informants that can be observed. This type of research is used with the intention to provide a description of the issues raised as well as shown to simplify the phenomena found in the study. The analysis of this research uses the theory of Sulivan on revitalization, because this study discusses a concept of regional revitalization that will be done to improve the function of the remaining resources based on historical relics. This study discusses the strategic steps in the concept of development. Because, this idea is formed to enhance the values of society through the integration of natural and human resource development. Thus, the topic of discussion to restore the glory of Kambang Putih: Indonesia's strategic step towards the global maritime fulcrum is important to be done in achieving the national goals of the nation.

Keywords: Kambang putih, Revitalization, Global maritime fulcrum.

Received: 26 July 2017 / Revised: 4 September 2017 / Accepted: 12 September 2017 / Published: 19 September 2017

Contribution/ Originality

This study is one of very few studies which have investigated ancient port in Indonesia, especially in the royal period to support Indonesia’s Global Maritime Fulcrum. The paper primary contribution was finding proper revitalization concept of the ancient Kambang Putih Port that already transformed to become slum housing area..


Tuban District or formerly known as Kambang Putih is one of the districts in East Java located on the northern coast of Java. So no wonder if the majority of the population work as fishermen in the sea. In 1292, Chinese-Mongolians came to attack East Java (an event that led to Majapahit standing), allegedly landed in Tuban (Abimanyu, 2013). Tuban has great potential in marine field. Historical facts have explained that Tuban once had a port that played a major role in the reverse flow of world civilization, namely the port of Kambang Putih. The port is one of the economic distribution access which is suitable with coastal community or fisherman especially in trade field. In addition, socio-cultural communities that have several rides of sea tourism make Tuban has its own attraction for communities to visit it.

Therefore, it takes an integral development concept such as the concept built by President Jokowi or known as the “global maritime fulcrum”. This concept is considered of enhancing the competitiveness of the country in the global era. A concept of regional development covering the social, economic, and cultural aspects of the people of Tuban. In addition, this concept can facilitate trade accessibility between regions. Although there is no clear written concept of this maritime concept, the idea as a form of initial implementation is required as a recommendation that can support the implementation of the concept.

The revitalization of Kambang Putih harbor conducted to support the concept of Indonesia into a global maritime fulcrum, will be a very interesting topic to be discussed. Basically revitalization is a development activity aimed to regenerate the important values ​​of the Cultural Heritage with the adjustment of new space functions that are not contrary to the principle of conservation and cultural values ​​of society (Law No. 11 of the Republic of Indonesia, 2010). Revitalization can be considered as a strategic step in the concept of development. Because, this idea is formed to enhance the values ​​of society through the integration of natural and human resource development. Thus, the topic of discussion in this research is to revitalize the value of Kambang Putih Port area and used to know the right strategic step in the development of the region.

The purpose of this research is to know the important value of Kambang Putih Port and to know the proper revitalization effort to Karangsari village as a heritage area of ​​Kambang Putih Port. The results of this research can be utilized by various parties, among others: (a) The Government of Tuban Regency, as an alternative to the development of Tuban Regency as well as consideration in the regional development plan through the policy brief given; (B) Academics, as a reference for further research in the field of cultural history in the territory of Kambang Putih Port area; And (c) the Society, to introduce Tuban's existence in the history of the State of Indonesia and inspire the public in raising awareness of Indonesia's historical heritage.


2.1. Basic Research

Authors writing this scientific paper using descriptive qualitative research method. The data collected in the form of oral and written in the form of pictures and documents of informants, as well as observation of the behavior of informants and phenomenon. This type of research is used with the intention to provide a description of the issues raised as well as shown to simplify the phenomena found in the study.

2.2. Time and Place of Study

This research was conducted in Karangsari village, Tuban Regency, East Java. The reason for choosing the place based on literature study and discussion of researcher along with archaeologist of Kambang Putih Museum related to Kambang Putih Port historical location. The research was conducted for 5 months, with 2 months of field research in Karangsari village, 2 months of literature study, and 1 month of data processing.

2.3. Sources of Research Data

2.3.1. Primary Data Source

The subject of this research is discussion with archaeologist of Kambang Putih Museum and also Tuban Regency government consisting of Region Bureau for Planning and Construction (BAPPEDA), Department of Fishery and Animal Husbandry, Department of Culture and Tourism, and Karangsari Village. In addition, researchers conducted Focus Group Discussion with Karangsari community, represented by 9 fishermen along with the RT (sub-organization of village, usually consist of 30-50 families) Chairman.

2.3.2. Secondary Data Sources

Secondary data sources are derived from the interpretations of the ancient books of kingdom's royal kings Majapahit and Singasari. Researchers also obtained data from previous research, books, theses, dissertations, as well as data published by the government of Tuban Regency.

2.4. Collecting Data Methods

2.4.1.Literature Research

2.4.2. Documentation

Documentation method used in this research is to collect data in the form of photos about the life of the people of Tuban Regency with social, economic, culture, and environmental aspects.

2.4.3. Observation

Observation method is done by doing direct observation to Kambang Putih port relic. The observations are non-participatory, meaning that the researcher is not involved in the activity, only as an independent observer.

2.4.4. Focus Group Discussions

Focus Group Discussion (FGD) is used by discussing a particular topic by presenting 6-10 representatives. The FGD in our study was used to explore the social, economic, culture, and environmental aspects of Karangsari village with local community leaders as many as 10 people as informants.

2.4.5. Interviews

Interview method is used with guide approach technique where the researcher has big framework of question first. The type of question we use is open-ended question with the purpose of deeper exploration of the data.

2.5. Data Validity

Technique examination of data validity used in this research is triangulation technique. Triangulation is used to compare and check the degree of confidence of the information obtained. There are two types of triangulation we use namely method triangulation and respondent triangulation. In the method triangulation, we compared the physical aspect data resulting from the observation method and the literature study method simultaneously; and also compare socio-economic and culture aspect data from the interviews result with the FGD method and literature study. While respondents triangulation used two different groups of respondents in a research context, namely to interview the fishing communities and interview of government officials in the same question.

2.6. Data Analysis Technique

The qualitative data obtained from the field is processed by using interaction model with the following steps: (1) data collection, (2) data reduction, (3) presentation of data, and (4) verification or drawing conclusion.


A. Important Value of Kambang Putih Port

The existence of Kambang Putih Port in Tuban area is proved by the discovery of Kambang Putih Inscription in Tuban area in year 1015 which explains about reparation of Kambang Putih harbor during Airlangga Kingdom period. The next is proved by the Chinese news that Tuban has another name of Tu-Phing-Tshu which was the name of an important port in 1292, and Ma Huan's account of the first shipping lane in Java was Tuban (Wahyudi, 2004). Based on the building of the city wall surrounding Tuban, it also known that Tuban has a fleet of sea defense as the entrance of Java from the waterway which is then known as the Senapati Sarwajala term which means Commander of All Waters (Sedyawati, 1997). According to a Dutch historical source depicting the Gulf of Tuban, it is mentioned that the bay has ideal length and depth for large boats, the depth reaches 5 vadems (1 vadem = 1,698,798 meters) and 14 paalen lengths (1 paal = 1506,943 Meters).

Geographically Kambang Putih Port in Tuban can be described as follows:

Figure-4.1. Tuban Trade Trails (Rahardjo, 2011) and Wahyudi (2004)

Source: Wahyudi (2004).

The map illustrates that there are international and national trade routes in Kambang Putih harbor. The Kambang Putih Port acts as a spice trade originating from the Moluccas, due to the spice trade centered in Kambang Putih Tuban, China considers it an important port for supplying spices in China (Rahardjo, 2011). It turned out not to contradict the discovery of Chinese chamber in the waters of Tuban from the Tsung, Ming and Ching dynasties. The commodities contained in Kambang Putih harbor are known through Chinese news. The Chinese Sung dynasty mentioned that the commodities in Kambang Putih harbor are rice, gaharu, kesumba, pepper, wooden, sandalwood, cloves, nutmeg, resin, camphor and others. Those commodities were exported to China at the time of the Sung Dynasty (Wheatly, 1959). While commodities from China could be seen with the findings of archaeologists in the form of Chinese ceramics, on the other hand there was also fabric from India in the 15th century. In addition to international and national trade Kambang Putih also acts as collecting center which is the center of collecting import export goods from Feeder point in the interior of Java Island.

Based on data from the Government of Tuban Regency, Tuban currently occupies a total area of ​​1,839.95 KM2 with a total of 20 sub districts, 17 villages, and 311 villages. To determine the location of Kambang Putih harbor in the coastal area of ​​Tuban Regency, the first reference is from the discovery of archaeological objects in coastal areas, most of which are found in the city of Tuban. Here is the distribution of archaeological findings on the ceramics trade in the coastal city of Tuban:

Figure-4.3. Distribution of archaeological findings on the kramik trade in the coastal city of Tuban

Source: Fatoni (2017)

On the coast in the Tuban Sea found some ancient kramik cremic originating from China, Japan, and Europe. Here is a list of crawling discoveries scattered in the waters of Tuban City:

Kind of Kramic
Bottle and crevice
Sung Dynasty
Eating Dishes and Porcelain
Ming Dynasty 
Japanese Bowls
Eating Equipment and Porcelain
Ching Dynasty 
Small Plates and Bottles

Based on the findings of archaeologists found in the area of ​​Tuban City it can be concluded that the Port of Kambang Putih is located in Karangsari Village to Sukolilo Village. Gradually, Kambang Putih harbor has decline. This can be seen from indicator of shifting of main port status from Tuban to Jepara (Soeparno, 1983). In addition, it can be seen from the presence of pirates that cause the port to be deserted due to security factors are disturbed (Wahyudi, 2004). From the physical aspect there is also a siltation in the Port of Kambang Putih as evidenced by the admiral vice statement from Portugal (Sedyawati, 1997). Another visible indicator is accessibility where Gresik and Surabaya become rival ports capable of connecting the royal capital more quickly (Wahyudi, 2004).

B. Analysis of Karangsari Revitalization as the Locus of Kambang Putih Port Heritage

Kambang Putih Port that once triumphed in the Majapahit period, has now turned into three main locus namely Karangsari fisherman village, Fish Auction Place (TPI) Karangagung, and Boom Beach. Given the significant changes, it takes a systematic step to revitalize the region. As in Pearson and Sullivan's concept, revitalizing a historical relic must at least address five important issues: (i) conducting documentary studies on historical relics, (ii) evaluating historical significance, (iii) analysis of current conditions (management Assessment, (iv) determining the concept of revitalization (defining management policy), and (v) advanced stages in the form of technical strategy, implementation, and monitoring (Pearson and Sullivan, 1995). Because our research is at the level of conceptual revitalization and not physical construction, we base our revitalization analysis on points (iii) and (iv).

The management asssessment stage is done by focusing on the physical, socio-cultural, and economic aspects of Karangsari. Geographically it is known that Karangsari is an area directly adjacent to the Java Sea. Accessibility to the sea is very beneficial because it has potential such as for fishing, mangroves, coral reefs, seagrass beds; maritime services such as marine tourism, sea transportation (special ports such as for loading and unloading industry), maritime meteorology, and maritime industry. Karangsari which is part of Tuban region, has a history and became one of the locus of the flow of international spread of Islam both north and south line. Because the tombs of Islamic disseminators (wali) are also exist in Tuban, Karangsari can also take advantage of the potential path of Islamization and international spiritual tourism for various purposes.

As for the physical condition, Karangsari is lowland with a height of 0-7 meters and part of the northern East Java basin, which extends from Semarang to Surabaya. This area is also included in the predominantly carbonated Rembang Zone (BAPPEDA Tuban, 2016). This physical condition has implications for continuous seawarding of seafront areas—since hundreds of years ago, so it has been impossible to build ports, except for special ports. In terms of the environment, Karangsari has good sanitation, which is registered this year as a pilot fishing village.

In the socio-cultural and economic aspects, Karangsari has 4025 residents with the majority of the population (29.6%) go to primary school; 24.4% are educated to junior high; And 26% have high school. While in the college level of 5.3% go to the academy, and 5.6% have graduate education. With this background, most of the citizen’s occupation are as fishermen (28%) include fishermen who have boats and not, run a private enterprise (23%), and traders (19.15%) (Karangsari, 2016).

From the primary data that we get, there has been a decline in economic productivity over the last dozen years due to the ineffectiveness of Fish Auction Sites (TPI)--even though if we seen in the last two years it increased from 42, 264.7 tons in 2015 to 49, 408, 45 tons in 2016. The TPI, which once prevailed in the 80-90s, has ceased operating effectively since 2000s. In fact, in the 80-90s TPI earned an average of two million rupiah per day. While now, fishermen depend on collectors (agents) in fish sales and capitalization. Financial dependence on collectors has an impact on the inability of fishermen to meet primary needs such as the education of their children, due to the high interest rate which is about 20-25% of the loan amount. Limited access to other capital source is caused by the capacity of fishermen who are doubtful by creditors, since most fishermen in Karangsari are fishermen who do not have production equipment (ships) and other valuables as collateral.

In the cultural context, there is a very unique culture of sea drifting (larung laut) which is held once a year, and tayub culture which is the momentum where the fishermen are partying. Larung laut and tayub are symbol of fisherman's gratitude towards sea production. Nevertheless, the ancient larung laut meant seeking security and protection to the ruler of the sea. Because of its appeal, the two cultures have successfully brought in many tourists and journalists covering the last two years.

From the physical, socio-cultural, and economic conditions of the Karangsari community, an analysis of potentials and shortcomings can be undertaken to support the planned revitalization concept. Given the physical aspect of showing the impossibility of rebuilding the port, our revitalization analysis will focus on other alternatives. According to BAPPEDA, the city of Tuban will generally be the target of the development of marine tourism by making a 600-meter railway-stretching from the eastern side of the Pancasila River to the east of Kwan Sing Bio, equipped with gate area, parking area, thematic park / plaza, and west also east commercial area. Although marine tourism is very potential to be developed in Karangsani, but the concept of BAPPEDA development has a tendency to change the occupation of Karangsari people from fishermen to traders, given the planned expansion of the commercial area and the narrowness of mooring areas. This is contrary to our findings from FGD process where most Karangsari people still want to be fishermen.

Furthermore, from the existing population data can be analyzed that the number of traders is now more than enough that as many as 771 people (19.5% of the total population). If the 1, 126 Karangsari fishermen had to switch livelihoods to be either partly or wholly traders, there would be instability of the economic climate. In addition, from public education where the majority are primary school graduates, there is a risk of poor business management and impact on low economic productivity. Not to mention when viewed from the community's financial access, the job transfer plan is very dangerous. The trading sector needs capital, while most Karangsari people do not have certificates or other valuable things to be collateralized. Also, the problem of debt and dependence on unfinished collectors.

BAPPEDA's plan is not entirely wrong considering marine tourism is a golden opportunity. But, the plan should involved the emancipatory concept of revitalizing the area that is to include the aspirations and problems of society (bottom-up mechanism). Aspirations related to the desire to remain as fishermen; Improvement of welfare through the optimization of Fishermen Insurance, Fishermen Grants and Certification program; As well as the hope of the construction of a fishing workshop as our findings in the field must be accommodated so that the fishermen are not victims of development.

If it is connected with the concept of the Jokowi’s Global Maritime Fulcrum, which has six aspects: (i) maritime-historical, (ii) maritime resources, (iii) socio-economic maritime, (iv) maritime culture, (v) geoliteration of maritime values, (Vi) maritime global constellation (Kordono, 2015) Karangsari has a lot of potential, especially increasing the opportunities for the development of productive maritime tourism. From the maritime-historical aspect, Karangsari has a history of Kambang Putih International Port as an initial capital, maritime resources in the form of fish production with fishermen as the main actors to be considered, maritime culture such as larung laut and tayub, as well as maritime global constellation included in locus of distribution Islam and the international spiritual tour of north and south path. The maritime global constellation can also boost indirect maritime tourism, with a target market of at least ASEAN + 3 (India, Pakistan and Sri Lanka) based on the same history of islam. These potentials should be translated as a holistic strategy that supports maritime tourism, by also selling the historical-maritime value and taking into account the economic interests and social welfare of fishermen in Karangsari.


Kambang Putih has an important value as an international port during the royal period. Based on the findings of archaeologists, toponyms, and the discovery of historical objects, Kambang Putih Port is located in the Karangsari region. By starting on the spirit of the Jokowi’s Global Maritime Fulcrum, it is necessary to build marine tourism integration with the historical paradigm of historical-maritime and fisherman as its pillars to restore the glory that has ever been lost.

Funding: The authors would like to thanks Djarum Foundation for financial support.
Competing Interests: The authors declare that they have no competing interests.
Contributors/Acknowledgement: We would like to thank: First, the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education of Indonesia and Directorate of Higher Education who has provided research grants. Secondly, we also express our gratitude to the chairman and staff of the Directorate of Student Affairs of Gadjah Mada University who have facilitated us in the process of submission, implementation, and publication. Our Supervisor, Dr. Mimi Savitri, MA., PhD, that not only guides us wonderfully, but she has become a mother, a friend of discussion, even our closest friend. We admit he has the right composition and capabilities to become a great teacher. Fourth, we would like to thank all parties who have been willing to cooperate for this research since data collection, data processing, until publication. Furthermore, we also say special thanks to “Mas Wahyudi” and all Karangsari residents especially the fishing community. Hopefully this simple work can be useful for various parties.


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