Marketing Communications in 21st Century: Trends & Strategies


  • Mohammad Tariq Intezar Assistant Professor ,College of Business Administration-Hotat ,Prince Sattam bin Abdul Aziz University, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia



In the recent time marketing communication, challenges need to develop obsolete business practices and create some new ones, and even stop using conventional wisdom that has proven obsolete. The pace of change is increasing and marketing communication must reflect those changing effects if it is relevant in the twenty first century. What need to change are not the only tools of marketing communications, although the impact of information technology and rapid broadcast communication will cause change enough. Advances in communications technology, increased interaction between buyer and producer and increasing integration of marketing communication will lead to change in both the levels and the impact of communication. However, marketers must also change the ways what they plan for communications and recognize the strategic implications of the shift in the power base that underpins communications. This paper attempts and discusses the main strategic issues that arise for marketers in the twenty first century such as the World Wide Web, the net, social changes and technological change encompasses more issues than information technology, cellular phones, new print technology, hologram and new media will also have a major impact in the twenty first century marketing communication.


Communication, Marketing communication, Communication system, Twenty first century, Technology, Trends


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How to Cite

Intezar, M. T. . . (2017). Marketing Communications in 21st Century: Trends & Strategies. Humanities and Social Sciences Letters, 5(2), 36–42.


