Kambang Putih Revitalization: Paving the Way towards Indonesias Global Maritime Fulcrum


  • Siti Khotimah Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia
  • Vowas Gamar Bawanto Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia
  • Gigich Ilmy Al Bonadi Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia
  • Mimi Savitri MA Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia




Tuban District or formerly known as Kambang Putih is one of the districts in East Java located on the northern coast of Java. Tuban has great potential in marine field and the majority of the population work as fishermen. Historical facts have explained that Tuban once had a port that has a big role in the reverse flow of world civilization, namely the port of Kambang Putih. It should be preserved to this day, to further optimize the heterogeneous economic activity. The port is one of the economic distribution access which is suitable with coastal community or fisherman especially in trade field. Socio-cultural society that has several rides of sea tourism make Tuban has its own attraction for the people to visit it. Authors writing this scientific paper using qualitative research methods with descriptive approach. Data collected in the form of words, both in the form of oral and written in the form of pictures and documents, and the behavior of informants that can be observed. This type of research is used with the intention to provide a description of the issues raised as well as shown to simplify the phenomena found in the study. The analysis of this research uses the theory of Sulivan on revitalization, because this study discusses a concept of regional revitalization that will be done to improve the function of the remaining resources based on historical relics. This study discusses the strategic steps in the concept of development. Because, this idea is formed to enhance the values of society through the integration of natural and human resource development. Thus, the topic of discussion to restore the glory of Kambang Putih: Indonesia's strategic step towards the global maritime fulcrum is important to be done in achieving the national goals of the nation.


Kambang putih, Revitalization, Global maritime fulcrum

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How to Cite

Khotimah, S. ., Bawanto, V. G. . ., Al Bonadi, G. I. ., & MA, M. S. . (2017). Kambang Putih Revitalization: Paving the Way towards Indonesias Global Maritime Fulcrum. Humanities and Social Sciences Letters, 5(3), 64–71. https://doi.org/10.18488/journal.73.2017.53.64.71


