Landau-Pekar Bipolaron in Singlet and Triplet States


  • Vladimir K Mukhomorov Agrophysical Institute, Grazhdanskiy Ave, St.-Petersburg, Russia



We give an overview of studies a bipolaron stability by variational method. For bipolaron formations, a relation is established between the variational principle and the virial theorem optimizing the electronic wave functions. We present a large number of qualitative and quantitative arguments, which indicate that the Landau-Pekar bipolaron is an axially-symmetrical formation. Much attention is paid to the analysis of the influence of the Coulomb electron-electron correlations on the stability of a large bipolaron. In detail we analyzed the criteria for determining the optimal wave functions. It is established that a step-by-step increase in the flexibility of the electronic wave function due to the electron correlations does not stabilize a one-center bipolaron. We show after into account of electron-electron correlations a singlet bipolaron retains spatial axially-symmetrical. At the same time, the electron-excited triplet states of Landau-Pekar bipolaron have spherical symmetry. The results of Kasirina and Lakhno are based on the one-center bipolaron model are incorrect. Presented evidence that the correct application of the variational method and correct account of electron-electron correlations only increase the binding energy of the bipolaron but symmetry of Hartree-Fock approximation can not change. We adduce proofs which point to methodological errors of one-center bipolaron model as well as arising from their calculations incorrect physical consequences. As illustrated in this review the axially symmetric Landau-Pekar bipolaron can correctly interpret the experimentally detected spectroscopic data.


Large bipolaron, Electron correlations, Singlet, Stability, Triplet, Variational procedure, Virial



How to Cite

Mukhomorov, V. K. (2014). Landau-Pekar Bipolaron in Singlet and Triplet States. Review of Advances in Physics Theories and Applications, 1(1), 9–33.


