Utilization of IoT and database system of central warehouse project in the pharmaceutical industry





This study aims to develop an MRPII device that utilizes internet technology for inventory management control processes, using case studies from pharmacutical companies in Indonesia. The research was conducted using field observation methods and system development, then comparing the manual system and MRPII. An internet-based inventory management system was created by integrating the warehouse’s material database into each material code via a QR. code. The study found that implementing the MRP II system design increases work effectiveness and reduces the risk of errors that frequently occur in conventional systems. Moreover, using the MRPII can facilitate the audit process and establish transparency in the inventory management process. Data processed using IoT is generated faster and more accurately as company operations improve quality, reduce unnecessary activities, and make it easier to organize materials and run administrative and technical processes in inventory management; it is measured based on reach, workforce requirements, supply, and handling time. In the industrial world, the MRPII database system has the potential to evolve into several more complex and comprehensive systems. It has broad integration and can assist humans working across all lines, particularly in the data processing system.


Audit analysis, Internet of thing , MRPII, Pharmaceutical industry, Smart grid, Suppliers, Transaction, Warehouse.




How to Cite

Susanto, E., Pratama, A. ., Novirani, D. ., Praseptiawan, M. ., Barmawi, M. M. ., & Hadiguna, R. A. . (2024). Utilization of IoT and database system of central warehouse project in the pharmaceutical industry . Review of Computer Engineering Research, 11(3), 99–117. https://doi.org/10.18488/76.v11i3.3948


