Performance and Dividend Policy of State-Owned Banks Before and After COVID-19


  • I Wayan Budi Artha Pancasila University, Jakarta, Indonesia.
  • Tri Widyastuti Bhayangkara Jakarta Raya University, Jakarta, Indonesia.
  • Irvandi Gustari Pancasila University, Jakarta, Indonesia.



The purpose of this study was to analyze the performance and dividend policy of State-Owned Banks before and after the Covid-19. The research period is 2018-2021, with the sampling technique is saturated sampling, where all members of the population are used as samples. The analytical tool used is the Different Test (T-Test) supported by the SPSS program. The results show that the performance of State-Owned Banks, namely market capitalization, profitability, credit quality and liquidity is different before and after the Covid-19, while the dividend policy is not different. The market capitalization and profitability of State-Owned Banks have decreased and liquidity has improved after the Covid-19, as a result of deteriorating credit quality. Deteriorating credit quality after the Covid-19 resulted in decreased loan productivity and increased loss reserves and banks were more careful in distributing credit so that the liquidity was getting looser which resulted in decreased profitability.


Market capitalization, Profitability, Credit quality, Liquidity, Dividend policy, COVID-19 pandemic.

Abstract Video



How to Cite

Artha, I. W. B. ., Widyastuti, T. ., & Gustari, I. . (2022). Performance and Dividend Policy of State-Owned Banks Before and After COVID-19 . Financial Risk and Management Reviews, 8(1), 12–19.


