Pollution Free Chemical Reactions in a Fluidized Bed


  • M Nagaraja Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, PSNACET, Dindigul, India
  • Idahosa Charles Ballsbridge University, Roseau, Dominica
  • R Sundaresan Algotias College of Engineering and Technology, Greater Noida to Kingston Engineering College, Katpadi, Vellore, India
  • R Natarajan CO2 Research and Green Technologies Centre, Biomass Plant, VIT University, Vellore, India




Emission of Green House Gases (GHG) and other industrial pollutants like CO2, SO2 , NOx is one of the major issues in industrial sectors.This analysis report concludes that control of these gases is especially important using gasification technology to reduce both CO2 and non-CO2 greenhouse gases. Coal gasification found to have some environmental benefits relative to conventional mining including like reduced sulfur emissions, reduced discharge of ash, Hg and tar, and the additional benefit of carbon capture and sequestration. Gasification of carbonaceous industrial residues will contribute to both electricity and thermal applications in gas and oil industry. Fluidized bed gasification system facilitates Gas-solids reactions, catalytic and non-catalytic reactions, drying and in petroleum industries for hydrocarbon cracking and reforming. The objective of present work is to make a note on the critical importance of gasification techniques and gaseous product with controlled emission to safeguard the atmosphere.


Pollution, Atmosphere, Gasification, Emission, Fluidized bed, Chemical reaction, Pyrolysis

Abstract Video



How to Cite

Nagaraja, M., Charles, I. ., Sundaresan, R., & Natarajan, R. (2015). Pollution Free Chemical Reactions in a Fluidized Bed. Journal of Atmosphere, 1(2), 27–34. https://doi.org/10.18488/journal.94/2015.1.2/


