Enhancing key competencies-based performance assessment in higher vocational education: A sustainable approach to general education curriculum


  • Yun Zhang Department of Advanced Technical and Vocational Education and Training, Faculty of Educational Sciences and Technology, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. https://orcid.org/0009-0001-2668-3749
  • Ahmad Nabil Bin Md Nasir Department of Advanced Technical and Vocational Education and Training, Faculty of Educational Sciences and Technology, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4146-1888




The competency-based assessment has been a significant factor for higher vocational educational institutional performance and this aspect needs researchers’ emphasis. The objectives of the present article are to investigate the impact of staff skills and training and innovation adoption on competencies-based performance assessment (CBPA) of higher vocational educational institutions in China. The study also investigates the moderating role of institutional support among staff skills and training, innovation adoption and CBPA. The study collected the primary data from the students of the higher vocational educational institutions in China using survey questionnaires. The study also employed Smart-PLS to check the data reliability such as convergent and discriminant validity and the relationship among understudy variables. The outcomes revealed that the staff skills and training and innovation adoption have a positive linkage with CBPA. The results also exposed that institutional support significantly moderates staff skills and training, innovation adoption and CBPA. The study guides the regulators in making regulations regarding improving the CBPA using effective staff skills and training and effective innovation adoption. It also provides help to educational institutions in improving CBPA using skilled staff and innovation adoption.


Core-competences based performance assessment, Higher vocational educational institutional, Innovation adoption, Institutional support, Staff skills, Staff training.




How to Cite

Zhang, Y. ., & Nasir, A. N. B. M. . (2025). Enhancing key competencies-based performance assessment in higher vocational education: A sustainable approach to general education curriculum . Humanities and Social Sciences Letters, 13(2), 428–441. https://doi.org/10.18488/73.v13i2.4117