Design and Simulation of Grid-Connected Photovoltaic System’s Performance Analysis with Optimal Control of Maximum Power Point Tracking Based on Artificial Intelligence




The research presented in this paper is part of a more significant effort to improve the dynamic and static performance of power generation systems using solar panels under specific climatic conditions. The solar panel can produce the greatest power only at the specified voltage and electric current levels. Environmental variables, such as random atmospheric oscillations, have a significant effect on the performance of a solar system connected to the network. Irradiation and ambient temperature are the two inputs to a PV (photovoltaic) system. Because solar radiation varies in nature, the PV system efficiency is low. To improve the efficiency of a solar PV system, several maximum power point tracking (MPPT) approaches are used. The purpose of this paper is to improve the performance of DC/DC chopper controllers and PV inverters in the face of abrupt climate change. To that end, the primary goal of this paper is to compare the following maximum power point search (MPPT) algorithms: the incremental conductance (IC) algorithm, the fuzzy logic (FL) algorithm, VSI controller, and the particle swarm optimization (PSO) strategy. These algorithms were evaluated in terms of efficiency, stability, and speed. A 100 kW PV system is design using MATLAB software 2021a version.


Fuzzy controller, Grid connected PV, IC algorithm, Modeling, MPPT control, PSO algorithm, PVsystem, VSI control.




How to Cite

Didi, F. ., & Chaouche, M. S. . (2022). Design and Simulation of Grid-Connected Photovoltaic System’s Performance Analysis with Optimal Control of Maximum Power Point Tracking Based on Artificial Intelligence . Review of Computer Engineering Research, 9(3), 151–168.


