Edible Films and Coatings: A Good Idea from Past to Future Technology





Scientific studies carried out on the use of thin layer edible films and coatings which can be consumed with food, are still maintained today. Edible films and coatings help to preserve the sensory qualities such as taste, aroma and appearance in various food products, prevent oxidative rancidity in meat and products, delaying ripening in fruits and vegetables, keep pigments in food products and extend shelf life in foods. Over the years, a variety of methods have been developed for the application of coatings to food as a result of scientific research conducted on the subject. In the production of these films and coatings, polysaccharides, proteins, lipids are being used as the main components. Resins are used to prevent water vapour permeability in all these used materials, solvents to effect tensile strength, and plasticizers to provide flexibility and permeability. Further studies were needed to be done on topics such as increasing the variety of foodstuffs that can be applied coatings food safety, the development of technological applications and the reduction of costs.


Packaging materials, Edible films, Edible coatings, Shelf life, Food safety, Food quality

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How to Cite

ULUSOY, B. H., YILDIRIM, F. K., & HECER, C. . (2018). Edible Films and Coatings: A Good Idea from Past to Future Technology. Journal of Food Technology Research, 5(1), 28–33. https://doi.org/10.18488/journal.58.2018.51.28.33


