Remediating Some Learning Difficulties of L200 Science Education Students of Modibbo Adama University of Technology in Some Physics Concepts Using Multiple Representations


  • Kodjo Donkor Taale Department of Science Education, Modibbo Adama University of Technology, Yola, Adamawa State, Nigeria



Academic performance and achievement of students is highly dependent on the approach of presenting information and how it is received. This study was an action research using the problem-solving strategy to find out the effect of multiple representations-based instruction on students’ performance in some physics concepts. This was done by collecting both qualitative and quantitative data with two instruments, pre-test, to assess students’ prior knowledge and post-test to determine the final state of the learners. A sample of 40 L200 Geography Education students of the Department of Science Education, Modibbo Adama University of Technology took part in the study. Descriptive statistics were used to analyze the data collected. The results obtained showed an improvement in students’ achievement on basic concepts in optics, heat and mechanics. Students performed relatively better in optics (80% of the students) scoring 45% and above of the marks; followed by thermal physics (heat) (70%) and mechanics (50%). Also, effect size of 0.41calculated to see effectiveness of the treatment confirmed the improvement in the students’ performance. This study suggests that it is possible to use multiple representations in physics instruction to motivate and sustain students’ interest in the subject, especially those with limited physics’ knowledge to apply the laws and formulae learnt to calculate and solve problems correctly.


Learning difficulties, Multiple representations-based instruction, Physics concepts, Action research, Problem-solving strategy, Intrinsic purpose of learning




How to Cite

Taale, K. D. . (2013). Remediating Some Learning Difficulties of L200 Science Education Students of Modibbo Adama University of Technology in Some Physics Concepts Using Multiple Representations. International Journal of Education and Practice, 1(3), 26–43.


