Responsibility Formation in Medical Students in the Course of Foreign Language Study


  • Oksana Isayeva Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Foreign Languages, Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University, Lviv, Ukraine



In Ukraine formation of responsibility is a teaching paradigm in the process of studying foreign languages at higher medical educational institutions. The task of humanitarian disciplines at the medical universities is to help medical students develop self-discipline and to become better students, self-motivated learners and constructive members of society. Culture, humanization of the pedagogical process, personality-oriented education and personal qualities development are considered to be the most important aspects in humanistic education. Formation of responsibility at the English lessons is a group management. Theoretical material should be fruitful and thought-provoking, giving rare opportunity to spend time on reflecting and discussing as well as on learning. All tasks used in the process of foreign languages study should be communication-oriented and adjust students to the correct interpretation of the problematic situation that requires mental stress and stimulates the activity of students’ speech in the discussion of real-world facts. Teaching English through words and actions can help transfer solid character principles such as personal, social and moral responsibility to students in a long-lasting manner. Personal responsibility is an obligation to medical students and their future profession. Thus, teachers are to assist medical students to be seekers of responsibility and truth, and often these mean demonstrating varying opinions to find the one most suitable for presentation. Qualities of health care specialist should include responsibility, respect, humility, courage and willingness. The main humanistic values comprise mutual communication and understanding, spiritual, moral and physical health developing in the process of teaching English. A teacher must be competent, creative and know how to motivate a medical student properly trying to improve the environment in which personality of health care system is formed.


Medical students, Humanistic education, Culture, Responsibility, Moral qualities, Future profession, English teacher, Foreign languages, Humanitarian disciplines, Higher Medical Educational Institutions.


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How to Cite

Isayeva, O. . (2014). Responsibility Formation in Medical Students in the Course of Foreign Language Study. International Journal of Education and Practice, 2(1), 1–8.


