Episodic Memories among First and Fourth Graders Early Childhood University Student Teachers, Concerning Teachers’ Behaviors: A Mixed Method Approach
The content of school year memories of University student teachers in early childhood education was explored. 183 first and fourth year student teachers were asked to recall and write a small text about one or two positive/negative episodes of their entire school life, which influenced them profoundly. A mixed method approach was used and it was found that student teachers’ memories originate equivalently from their entire school life, with negative incidents dominating their memories. Older students recall more negative school life incidents and seem more sensitized to teachers’ negative behaviors, their descriptions are more sophisticated, and propose more positive alternatives. Highlights: • Explores the main thematic areas of student teachers’ early episodic memories from their past school years. • Student teachers’ episodic memories are rich and vivid and offer a valuable material for exercising in imagination new practices and methods. • University training has an impact in the organization of student teachers’ episodic memories