Performance Accountability in Higher Education (Case Study on the Performance Accountability at Andalasuniversity West Sumatera - Indonesia)


  • Hanif Al Kadri Universitas Negeri Padang, Indonesia



Accountability for higher educations institution in Indonesia has becomes a necessity. These higher education institutions should ensure that their performance meets the goals expected by the stakeholders, especially in providing quality education to the students. However, there is a gap between the actual and the expected performance. The gap is related to the accountability of performance in learning process, curriculum implementation, competences of lecturer members, adequate facilities needed to support quality education and public services which have become the primary mission of all higher education institutions in Indonesia. The reesearch is focus on the process and accomplishment of accountability of Andalas University (UNAND) located in West Sumatera. The goals of the research are to examine the actual institutional process and achievement of the goals of the accountability, on all accountability components as mentioned above. The methods applied in the research is qualitative method. The research has found substancial findings as follows; (1) In the process of study of the UNAND have good foundation to provide quality learning process. However, in practice the manajemen of learning process is not capable of providing the totality of learning process and focus only upon the hard skills and neglect the soft skills. (2) In regard with the curriculum used, the overall content is not capable of producing competent graduates with relevant knowledge and skills needed in the market. (3) The implementation of the curriculum in achieving of learning objectives cannot support the quality learning process. Lecturer members who have been considerd as driving force in the learning are hanpared with lacking qualification as needed and this affect the quality of learning process to be provided to students.


Accountability performance, Higher education, Learning process, Curriculum implementation, Competences of lecturer members

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How to Cite

Al Kadri, H. . (2015). Performance Accountability in Higher Education (Case Study on the Performance Accountability at Andalasuniversity West Sumatera - Indonesia). International Journal of Education and Practice, 3(9), 250–267.


