Entrepreneurial Behavior amongst Students of Community Colleges in Malaysia


  • Rasmuna Hussain Department of Community College Education, Putrajaya, Malaysia




The government has strategised initiatives to organize an education system that improve the training and skills quality wise, as well as enhancing the lifelong learning programs. In the field of education and training, interests and apprehensions on the entrepreneurship subject is the highlight of today’s higher learning institutions. This study aims to measure the implementation of Basic Entrepreneurship Module (BEM), by using the Stufflebeam’s CIPP Evaluation Model. The achievement level of entrepreneurial behaviors in terms of cognitive, non-cognitive, commercial skills and the early initiative is assessed as product evaluation. The strated sampling is used for a large scattered population in Malaysia. Data obtained from 105 students in the Business Accounting Certificate program from six community colleges. This study used questionnaires as research instrument. The questionnaires were then analyzed by using descriptive statistics method. Overall, the findings indicated that respondents agreed that the implementation of BEM has given impact to the product evaluation that consists the aspects of cognitive, non-cognitive, commercial skills and early initiative at the high levels.


Perspectives, Entrepreneurial behavior, Assessment, Community colleges, Entrepreneurship module, Product evaluation

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How to Cite

Hussain, R. . (2017). Entrepreneurial Behavior amongst Students of Community Colleges in Malaysia. International Journal of Education and Practice, 5(2), 21–28. https://doi.org/10.18488/journal.61/2017.5.2/


