Partnership as a Factor in the Effectiveness of Practice-Oriented Education of Students




The task of ensuring the effectiveness of practice-oriented secondary and higher professional education based on social partnership and network interaction of subjects of education in an innovative educational environment is set based on the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard 3+ for the pedagogical and psychological specialties in higher education and modern (actualized) educational standards for the specialties “Construction and exploitation of buildings” (08.02.01) and “Primary school teaching” (44.02.02) in vocational professional education for the formation of general (general cultural) and professional competencies of students and graduates of institutions of secondary vocational and higher education. The aim of this study is to present the results of theoretical and experimental studies of activities and innovation platforms based on the institution of secondary vocational education, in conditions of the social-network educational partnership. The main methods used in this study were analyses, experiments, questioning and expert evaluation. The results of the experiments show the positive impact of partnerships on the levels of innovative activity of teachers and formation of general (general cultural) and professional competencies of students and graduates of secondary vocational education organizations. The study proves the role and importance of social-network educational partnerships in ensuring the effectiveness of practice-oriented education in modern professional schools, as it takes into account and reflects the characteristics, requirements and needs of the society and individual. It allows one to fulfill his role and take into account the interaction of organizations, institutions and individuals in ensuring the transfer and mastering of the content of professional education in organizations of secondary vocational and higher education.


Practice-oriented education, Social-network educational, partnership, General and professional, competences, Innovative platform

Abstract Video


  • Citation Indexes: 8
  • Readers: 44



How to Cite

Dolgova, V. I., Belikov, V. A., & Kozhevnikov, M. V. (2019). Partnership as a Factor in the Effectiveness of Practice-Oriented Education of Students. International Journal of Education and Practice, 7(2), 78–87.


