Improving Work-Related Outcomes in Educational Contexts




This study examined the stress encountered and stress-coping skill used by the school principals, enabling the development of an improvement program for work-related outcomes in educational contexts. An adapted survey questionnaire was distributed to school principals and teachers-in-charge of public schools in the Asturias district of the Cebu division in the Philippines. The first part of the survey questionnaire collected personal and professional details from school principals, while the second assessed their performance. Five categories of stressors were identified: administrative responsibilities, administrative constraints, interpersonal relationships, intrapersonal conflicts, and employers’ expectations. The respondents’ stress-coping strategies were then analyzed for their suitability and effectiveness in stress management. The data were analyzed using frequency, simple percentages, weighted means, and correlation coefficients, which revealed the extent of the stress they encountered from each of the five categories of stressors as well as the stress-coping strategies preferred by the school principal and observed by other teachers. Based on the findings, it is recommended that an improvement program be developed for work-related outcomes in educational contexts, focusing on school principals and stress management, which may be referred to as the Dynamic Administrative Performance Network.


Teacher training, Work-related stress, Descriptive research, Philippines

Abstract Video




How to Cite

Josep, J. E. ., Etcuban, J. O., Paez, J. C. ., Jaca, C. A. L., Aventuna, M. ., & Al Horteza. (2020). Improving Work-Related Outcomes in Educational Contexts. International Journal of Education and Practice, 8(2), 309–322.


