The role of information technology in managing the human resource development of educators in inclusion-based primary schools in Greece




The rapid growth in technology offers both benefits and challenges to traditional teaching and learning methods in the field of education. Not only is information technology (IT) a study topic itself, but it also has a significant impact on all other academic fields. The ways in which teaching, learning, and human resource management are conducted in educational institutions are changing as a result of the integration of IT, particularly in inclusive settings. The purpose of this project is to investigate the effects of using a variety of IT tools and integrating IT into the curriculum in inclusive elementary schools in Greece. It looks at the ways in which these variables affect the development and management of human resources, with an emphasis on teachers working in inclusive environments. A questionnaire survey was sent to 396 education sector experts, which made it possible to get quantifiable information about these experts' opinions on the influence and integration of IT in learning environments. The findings show that the deployment of different IT tools in inclusive schools and the integration of these technologies into the inclusive curriculum have a favorable impact on the efficient management and development of human resources in these learning settings. The study confirms that integrating IT into the classroom is essential to prepare pupils for life in a knowledge-based society. To keep up with the rapid improvements in technology and economic globalization, educational institutions must proactively innovate and change their methods to human resource management.


Education, HR development of educators, Inclusive education, IT integration, Primary school teachers.




How to Cite

Savvidou, S. ., Konteos, G. ., Papaevangelou, O. ., Syndoukas, D. ., & Kalogiannidis, S. (2024). The role of information technology in managing the human resource development of educators in inclusion-based primary schools in Greece. International Journal of Education and Practice, 12(3), 632–653.




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