Principals' managerial role in realizing the ideal curriculum and learning: The case of remote areas schools in Indonesia




Leaders who have a strong spirit and are creative, innovative and skilled are needed by one-roof schools, especially in realizing ideal curriculums and learning methods. The aim of this study is to describe the efforts of school principals in creating an ideal curriculum and the optimal method of learning during the Covid-19 pandemic. It uses a qualitative approach with a multisite study research design. The location of this research is three one-roof schools in the Bondowoso Regency. Data collection was carried out by unstructured, in-depth, group interviews, observation, and documentation studies. The validity of the data was checked using data triangulation, member checks, discussions among members, and adequacy of reference materials. The data was analyzed using reduction analysis, presentation, verification, and drawing conclusions. Cross-site data analysis was carried out on a constant comparative basis. The results revealed that school principals employ varying strategies to achieve ideal learning, influenced by factors such as students, teachers, infrastructure, and local community conditions. The results also show that in order to realize an ideal curriculum and learning in one-roof schools, it is necessary to compile and implement learning in accordance with the conditions and readiness of students by including local knowledge and highlighting the principle of partnership with the community. This research offers practical guidance for policy makers and the school community in realizing ideal curriculums and learning methods, especially for schools in remote areas.


Curriculum, Learning, One-roof schools, Principals' managerial role, Leadership strategy, Remote areas.


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How to Cite

Maisyaroh, Juharyanto, Ulfatin, N. ., Adha, M. A. ., & Nawi, A. M. . (2024). Principals’ managerial role in realizing the ideal curriculum and learning: The case of remote areas schools in Indonesia . International Journal of Education and Practice, 12(3), 730–745.


