Recrafting the accounting curriculum to enhance employability of graduates: A Ghanaian case


  • Justice Stephen Tetteh Zotorvie Department of Financial Accounting, College of Accounting Sciences, University of South Africa, South Africa and Department of Accounting and Finance, HTU Business School, Ho Technical University, Ghana.
  • Annelien Adriana Van Rooyen Department of Financial Accounting, College of Accounting Sciences, University of South Africa, South Africa.
  • Christina Cornelia Shuttleworth Department of Management Accounting, College of Accounting Sciences, University of South Africa, South Africa.



This paper examined the need to update the accounting curricula in Ghanaian universities to address the issue of unemployment among accounting graduates, particularly in the context of the fourth industrial revolution (4IR). A qualitative approach involving document analysis and in-depth interviews was employed. Both purposive and snowball sampling methods were used to select a diverse group of participants, comprising government officials, accounting academics, employers, and graduates for the interviews. Data were analyzed using thematic review procedures. The study established the need for substantive changes in the accounting curricula in Ghanaian universities to teach 21st-century multi-disciplinary skills, balance practical and theoretical skills, provide a comprehensive range of financial and management accounting expertise, combine academic and professional credentials, and uphold strong ethical standards and integrity. Substantial modifications must be undertaken to the accounting curriculum to effectively address the issue of unemployment among accounting graduates. The findings require a stronger collaboration among government, academics, employers, graduates, and other interested parties in accounting to create an accounting curriculum that will focus on 21st-century skills and adequately blend theory and practice to reduce unemployment among accounting graduates.


Accounting curriculum, Accounting education, Fourth industrial revolution, Ghana, Higher education, Information and communication technology, Universities.




How to Cite

Zotorvie, J. S. T. ., Rooyen, A. A. V. ., & Shuttleworth, C. C. . (2024). Recrafting the accounting curriculum to enhance employability of graduates: A Ghanaian case. International Journal of Education and Practice, 12(4), 1239–1251.


