Exploring the impact of peer-to-peer assessment on student performance and social interaction: Insights from teachers and students in primary education





The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effects of peer-to-peer assessment in primary education by investigating the experiences and perspectives of in-service teachers and their students. The research involved twelve in-service teachers who shared their opinions and challenges regarding the implementation of peer-to-peer assessment. A descriptive methodology was employed to study fourth-grade students and teachers across primary schools in Kosovo, using focus groups and questionnaires to gather data. The findings indicate that teachers perceive peer-to-peer assessment positively believing it enhances student performance. Correlation analysis revealed a strong relationship (r=0.823) between the frequency of this assessment and improved student outcomes. Students also reported benefits such as better social relationships and increased collaboration. The study concludes that peer-to-peer assessment in primary education can lead to improved academic results and social interactions. Teachers recommend informing parents about the assessment's purpose and methods and providing professional training for both parents and students to ensure constructive feedback. Effective communication with parents and adequate preparation for feedback are essential to overcome potential challenges and maximizing the benefits of this assessment approach.


Advantages, Challenges, Peer-to-peer assessment, Primary teachers, Students.




How to Cite

Sylejmani, . V. ., & Ahmedi, . . V. . (2025). Exploring the impact of peer-to-peer assessment on student performance and social interaction: Insights from teachers and students in primary education . International Journal of Education and Practice, 13(1), 272–280. https://doi.org/10.18488/61.v13i1.4056


