The Training Dilemma: Three Teachers’ Views of CPD


  • Ramesh Rao Ramanaidu Research and Development Department Institut Pendidikan Guru Kampus Ilmu Khas, Malaysia
  • Kuruvilla C.K Joseph English Studies Department Institut Pendidikan Guru Kampus Ilmu Khas, Malaysia
  • Ravichantiran Arujunan English Studies Department Institut Pendidikan Guru Kampus Ilmu Khas, Malaysia



Continuous professional development (CPD) courses enable teachers to keep up with the latest developments in the field of teaching and learning. However the modus operandi of conducting and delivering CPD courses is constantly questioned. The purpose of this research is to explore the issues related to the conducting and delivery of a CPD course. For the purpose of this study, three teachers who attended a CPD course were chosen. An interview protocol with ten open-ended questions was used to solicit information related to their experience in conducting an in-house course in their respective schools. The responses from the open-ended questions revealed that the teachers were unable to render the same experience to their colleagues due to a variety of reasons such as time factor, priority given by the school administrators and a lack of confidence. The findings suggest that the course organisers should stipulate the amount of time every school should allocate when conducting in-house courses and sufficient time should be allocated to teachers attending CPD to practise what they have learnt before they are asked to conduct an in-house course.


Continuous professional development, Training, In-house courses, Thinking maps, Course delivery, Training dilemma

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How to Cite

Ramanaidu, R. R. ., Joseph, K. C., & Arujunan, R. . (2015). The Training Dilemma: Three Teachers’ Views of CPD. International Journal of Education and Practice, 4(1), 12–20.


