Community Involvement and Teacher Attendance in Basic Schools: The Case of East Mamprusi District in Ghana


  • Anthony Kudjo Donkor University for Development Studies Faculty of Education Tamale – Ghana
  • Biliman Izal Waek University for Development Studies Faculty of Education Tamale – Ghana



The purpose of the study was to investigate the extent of community members’ involvement in school activities to enhance teacher attendance in the East Mamprusi District of Northern Ghana. The research design was a survey. Stratified sampling method was employed to group the study population into five (5) strata of teaching staff, SMC/PTA executive members, District Education Officers, and community members. Questionnaires were used to collect data from 150 participants. The Statistical Product for Service Solution (SPSS) version 20.0 was used to analyze the data collected. The purpose of the study was made known to participants. The findings depicted that though the level of community involvement in the activities of the schools was encouraging it had limited influence on teacher attendance. Characteristics such as age, gender, ethnicity, language, wealth, weak democracy, illiteracy, work and time served as barriers to community involvement in monitoring teacher attendance. Recommendations of the study include, the training or sensitization of SMC and PTA executives as well as community members on their rights and privileges to be involved in school activities, especially monitoring of teachers’ attendance. In addition, they should be equipped with skills and knowledge to exercise their duties and responsibilities. The study will benefit all stakeholders of education and policy makers.


Community members, Teacher attendance, Involvement, Schools, SMCs, PTAs

Abstract Video


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How to Cite

Donkor, A. K. ., & Waek, B. I. . (2018). Community Involvement and Teacher Attendance in Basic Schools: The Case of East Mamprusi District in Ghana. International Journal of Education and Practice, 6(2), 50–63.


