Lecture Method Preferences, Auditory or Visual, of Ukrainian Consumers of Educational Services : A Statistical Analysis





The aim of this study is to examine the lecture method preferences of Ukrainian consumers of educational services. The study has observed two popular methods of providing educational services: the auditory method and the visual method. Research methodology included: information research; questioning and statistical processing of questionnaires; graphical representation of results and verification of statistical hypotheses. The sampling included two groups of students and one group of school teachers. It was statistically proved that Ukrainian students prefer the visual method of lectures but not the auditory method in availing educational services. Since the results are strongly significant, they have a great practical importance, recommending university teachers to use visual methods of lectures more than auditory while providing educational services. This will help them to adapt their lecture form and technique according to the needs and preferences of students as consumers of educational services. In addition, the results will also be useful to design and formulate training programs for teachers of Ukrainian Universities and making policy design for the Ukrainian Higher Education.


Higher education, Consumers of educational services, Consumers preferences, Method of providing of educational services, Auditory method, Visual method

Abstract Video


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How to Cite

Okulich-Kazarin, V. ., Zhurba, M. ., Pagava, O. ., Kalko, I. ., & Serbin, I. . (2019). Lecture Method Preferences, Auditory or Visual, of Ukrainian Consumers of Educational Services : A Statistical Analysis. International Journal of Education and Practice, 7(2), 54–65. https://doi.org/10.18488/journal.61.2019.72.54.65


