Out-of-Field Social Studies Teaching through Sustainable Culture-Based Pedagogy: A Filipino Perspective





Quality of the instructional process is at stake when taught by out-of-field teachers. The current study identified the problems met by such teachers who teach across their specialization in the teaching of social studies. These Out-of-field social studies teachers encounter several issues in the preparation and administration of their lessons. This study first identified this specialization-workload mismatch and investigated what coping mechanisms can be introduced for the survival of these teachers in and out-of-field-teaching environment. The study employed a qualitative phenomenological research methodology and conducted an in-depth interview using open-ended questions, in order to generate the eidetic insights of the issues. Ethical considerations were administered to protect the confidentiality of the research participants. The data collected were translated and analyzed, resulting in the unveiling of themes and concepts from the narratives of the research participants. In the light of these findings, a Heideggerian interpretive analysis catapulted the creation of a Culture-based BAYLE Teaching Model (BTM) for that could be a solution to the out-of-field teaching individuals. The study recommends the introduction of BTM in all schools facing out-of-field issues.


Teaching across specialization, Coping mechanism, Sustainable pedagogy, Out-of-field teaching, Sustainable pedagogy, Eidetic insights, Heideggerian interpretivism, BTM

Abstract Video


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How to Cite

Pacaña, N. M. S., Ramos, C. D., Catarata, M. N., & Inocian, R. B. (2019). Out-of-Field Social Studies Teaching through Sustainable Culture-Based Pedagogy: A Filipino Perspective. International Journal of Education and Practice, 7(3), 230–241. https://doi.org/10.18488/journal.61.2019.73.230.241


