The Role of EFL/ESL Teacher Preparation Programs in Raising the Awareness of Pre-Service Teachers of Intercultural Communicative Competence Model: A Comparative Study between Saudi Arabia and Singapore


  • Asmaa Shaei Alshuaifan Assistant Professor of English Curriculum and Instruction, College of Education, Princess Nourah bint Abdulrahman University, Saudi Arabia



Intercultural Communicative Competence (ICC) empowers language learners with the skills to compare different cultures and raise critical cultural awareness. The present study aims to identify and compare the role of EFL/ESL teacher preparation program in raising the awareness of pre-service teachers of ICC Model in Saudi Arabia and Singapore. The author developed and applied an online questionnaire of the ICC Model to a sample of (30) faculty members in Saudi Arabia and (30) faculty members in Singapore. The descriptive comparative analytical approach was utilized to describe, analyze, and compare the present situation of the EFL/ESL teacher preparation program in raising the awareness of pre-service teachers of the ICC model in Saudi Arabia and Singapore. The results revealed the availability of the ICC in the EFL/ESL teacher preparation program in both countries. The study recommended reviewing and continually updating the EFL/ESL teacher preparation program at the College of Education according to the ICC Model to meet the needs and communicative competence of students.


Teacher preparation, Teacher preparation programs, ESL, Pre-service teachers, Intercultural communicative competence

Abstract Video


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How to Cite

Alshuaifan, A. S. . (2021). The Role of EFL/ESL Teacher Preparation Programs in Raising the Awareness of Pre-Service Teachers of Intercultural Communicative Competence Model: A Comparative Study between Saudi Arabia and Singapore. International Journal of Education and Practice, 9(2), 230–255.


