Newly Qualified Teachers Integration of Technology during Curriculum Delivery




Newly qualified teachers (NQTs) not in all cases use the available technology in most constructive and effective ways to achieve better learning outcomes. This study explores how and why NQTs integrate technology during curriculum delivery. A qualitative method was used within an interpretive paradigm: six NQTs were observed and interviewed. The TPACK model formed the framework and data were deductively analyzed. Findings revealed that NQTs embraced technology and used it in varying ways and frequencies. The majority used videos to capture learners’ interest during lessons and teach difficult concepts, to use PowerPoint to consolidate lesson, to use technology to facilitate collaborative learning; and to boost learners’ self-esteem. Some of the NQTs in schools that lacked resources did not teach constructively with technology, they did not blend technology, pedagogy and content knowledge as required for effective teaching with technology. It is recommended that Western Cape Department of Education (WCED) and Departments of Education in other countries bridge the digital gap by prioritizing, in their planning schedules, the need to have one furnished computer laboratory capable of accommodating an entire class with the necessary technological resources in schools that lack resources.


Digital natives, Learning with technology, Newly qualified teachers, Teaching, Technology enhanced classroom, Technology integration, TPACK

Abstract Video




How to Cite

Tiba, C. ., & Condy, J. . (2021). Newly Qualified Teachers Integration of Technology during Curriculum Delivery. International Journal of Education and Practice, 9(2), 297–309.


