Moderating Role of Gender in the Impact of E-Learning Quality on Students Satisfaction and Performance During Covid-19 Pandemic
This paper aims to examine the impact of E-learning quality on students' satisfaction and performance before and during the COVID-19 pandemic and the role of gender as a moderating variable. A descriptive and inferential approach was used where a specially designed questionnaire was distributed on a simple random sample of students enrolled in Public Security Training City in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Data were gathered from 352 respondents. The multiple regression analysis was used to justify the proposed hypotheses. The study found that E-learning system quality and E-learning service quality positively impacted student satisfaction, which made a significant and positive impact on student performance. Moreover, gender played a moderating role in the relationship between E-learning system quality, E-learning service quality, and student satisfaction. Finally, it was found that the relationship between all variables during COVID-19 was stronger than relationships that existed before the COVID-19 pandemic.
E-learning, Information System (IS), Information Technology Communication (ITC), Service Quality (SERQ), Student Performance (SP), Student Satisfaction (SS), System Quality (SYSQ)Abstract Video