Effectiveness of reading & math initiative on the development of language & computational skills among early grade students: From teachers’ standpoint





The study aims to investigate the effectiveness of reading and math initiative on the development of language and computational skills among early grades students, from teachers’ standpoint. The study sample consisted of 180 male and female teachers of early graders in Amman city, Jordan. To achieve study objectives, researchers used a scale to measure the effectiveness of reading and math initiative on the development of students’ language and computational skills from teachers’ standpoint. The study results showed that teachers’ assessment of reading initiative effectiveness on developing language skills came high at both overall and sub-items levels (vocal awareness skill, letters’ sounds reading skill, vocabulary skill, reading absorption skill, and writing skill). Results also showed that teachers’ evaluation of the math initiative effectiveness on developing computational skills was high at both the overall and sub-items levels (problem- solving skill, standard counting skill, number manipulation skill & number sensory skill). Results also showed the non-existence of any statistically significant differences in teachers’ evaluation of the reading and math initiatives’ effectiveness due to gender variable.


Early grade level, Language & computational skills, Reading & math initiative effectiveness, Teachers’ standpoint.




How to Cite

Al-Hrout, M. A. E.-Q. ., Ababneh, S. ., AL-Swalha, A. S. M. ., Al Homran, M. K. M. ., & Eyadat, H. M. . (2023). Effectiveness of reading & math initiative on the development of language & computational skills among early grade students: From teachers’ standpoint . International Journal of Education and Practice, 11(2), 207–217. https://doi.org/10.18488/61.v11i2.3301


