Microsoft teams as an online education system in higher education: The case for Jordan




This study seeks to determine the effectiveness of Microsoft Teams as an online education system in higher education. The researchers developed and tested a path model with factors related to the effectiveness of Microsoft Teams according to the views of students. Using random sample procedures, data from 3,572 undergraduate students was acquired. According to the findings, undergraduate students thought that Microsoft Teams was a useful online teaching tool and had positive opinions of online learning. The outcomes also validate the postulated path model, according to which the two antecedent factors—technical support and Microsoft Teams’ class features—which had positive impacts on the usefulness of the instructional method. Additionally, a positive correlation was found between online interaction and the usefulness of the instructional method. Ultimately, the main factor that greatly affects exam satisfaction and perceived learning outcomes is online interaction. However, students' opinions of the university's technical assistance were less positive, and their level of exam satisfaction was below expectations. The study provides a number of practical and theoretical implications for the field of study. For example, it is expected that this research will provide valuable information for decision makers in the Jordanian government (e.g., Ministry of Higher Education) to take clear and precise steps to help higher education minimize the threats and challenges to students’ learning. Global researchers and practitioners can use this research model to cope with unexpected situations and crises, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, that may arise in the future.


COVID-19, Higher education, Jordan, Microsoft teams, Online education, Online platform.




How to Cite

Oliemat, A. ., Khasawneh, S. ., Alkhazaleh, M. ., Abu-Alruz, J. ., & Hamadneh, N. . (2024). Microsoft teams as an online education system in higher education: The case for Jordan . International Journal of Education and Practice, 12(3), 851–863.




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