Elevating the competitiveness of general education schools: Perspectives from experts and educational leaders


  • Fathi M Abunaser College of Education, Educational Foundation and Administration Department, Sultan Qaboos University, Oman. https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5288-4002
  • Houda A Al-Housni College of Education, Educational Foundation and Administration Department, Sultan Qaboos University, Oman.
  • Durayra Al Maqbali College of Education, Curriculum and Instruction Department, Sultan Qaboos University, Oman. https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3554-9963




Education is the cornerstone of development in all its forms. Therefore, the continuous improvement of education is a fundamental necessity pursued by societies to ensure progress and advancement. Schools are the fundamental pillars for the development and growth of society in all areas, and education is the path to progress and prosperity. This study aims to uncover the essential requirements and expected challenges to enhance the competitiveness of Omani public education schools from the perspectives of educational leaders and experts. A qualitative approach was employed in collecting and analyzing the data. The study sample consisted of 43 experts and educational leaders from the Ministry of Education and Omani universities, including 19 working in higher education and 24 in the public education sector. The data gathered through semi-structured interviews centered on two main themes: the requirements and the expected challenges. The study revealed a list of requirements to enhance competitiveness in the areas of administrative, cognitive, human, and organizational requirements. It also identified the prominent expected challenges.


Competitiveness, Competitiveness of schools, Education, Educational leadership, General education schools, Public education, Sultanate of Oman.




How to Cite

Abunaser, F. M. ., Al-Housni, H. A. ., & Maqbali, D. A. . (2024). Elevating the competitiveness of general education schools: Perspectives from experts and educational leaders. International Journal of Education and Practice, 12(4), 1301–1318. https://doi.org/10.18488/61.v12i4.3911


