The use of innovative project-based learning to elevate pre-service teachers’ critical and creative thinking skills




This study aims to develop an innovative project-based learning (PBL) that fits the purpose of fostering critical and creative thinking skills (CCTS). The innovations were made to the PBL’s syntax and referred to as RAHMA which stood for (1) Recognize the problem. (2) Analyze the problem. (3) Handle a project. (4) Monitor the progress. (5) Assess the result. Attempts were made to make the model valid and practical, capable of improving pre-service biology teachers’ (PSBTs’) CCTS and fitting the purpose of a pedagogical course. This study used Plomp’s research and development model which consisted of three stages: preliminary research, prototyping phase, and assessment phase. The results indicated that the PBL with RAHMA syntax was highly valid and practical. Furthermore, the instruments used to measure the CCTS were also highly valid. In conclusion, PBL with RAHMA syntax and its supporting tools are valid to enhance PSBTs’ CCTS. The implication highlights the necessity of using this learning model in the pedagogical courses that focus on designing products in teamwork.


Creative thinking, Critical thinking, Learning model, Pedagogical course, Pre-service biology teachers, Project-based learning, RAHMA syntax.




How to Cite

Darussyamsu, R. ., Lufri, L. ., Ahda, Y. ., Samsudin, S. ., & Kristiawan, M. (2025). The use of innovative project-based learning to elevate pre-service teachers’ critical and creative thinking skills . International Journal of Education and Practice, 13(2), 405–430.