Effectiveness of Gamification of Web-Based Learning in Improving Academic Achievement and Creative Thinking among Primary School Students





Gamification is one of the most significant modern trends in educational technology. The present study aims to identify the effectiveness of gamification of web-based learning on academic achievement and creative thinking among primary school students. A learning environment was designed based on gamification of web-based learning. A quasi-experimental approach was utilized to identify the effect of the independent variable, gamification, on the dependent variables, academic achievement and creative thinking among participants. An academic achievement test and the Torrance test of creative thinking were applied to the participants. Results revealed that there was a statistically significant difference between the means of scores of the experimental and control groups in the post-test academic achievement test and the Torrance test of creative thinking in favor of the experimental group. This suggests a high level of academic achievement and creative thinking after using gamification. The study recommends training in-service teachers in the use of gamification for web-based teaching of English.


Gamification of web-based, Learning, Academic achievement, Creative thinking

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How to Cite

Aljraiwi, S. . (2019). Effectiveness of Gamification of Web-Based Learning in Improving Academic Achievement and Creative Thinking among Primary School Students. International Journal of Education and Practice, 7(3), 242–257. https://doi.org/10.18488/journal.61.2019.73.242.257


