The Motivation and Experience of Distance Learning Engineering Programmes Students: A Study of Non-Traditional, Returning, Evening, and Adult Students


  • Luis Miguel Dos Santos Woosong University, Dong Gu, Daejeon, South Korea



Undergraduate distance learning-based programmes in the field of engineering have become one of the popular educational qualifications internationally. Besides traditional-age university students, non-traditional, returning, evening, and adult (NTREA) students make up groups of large significant enrolments at many distance learning programmes. This study explored how undergraduate NTREA students enrolled at the undergraduate distance learning engineering programme described their learning experience and why they decided to enroll in the distance learning-based programmes. 28 participants with majors in civil engineering, computer engineering, environmental engineering, chemical engineering, and biomedical engineering were invited for a private online Skype interview for data collection. The results of this research provide direction for NTREA students, university administrators, educational professionals, career counsellors, human resource planners, policymakers, and governmental leaders to reform and improve human resource planning, educational programmes, and even international enrolment schemes through the development of instructional technology and applications.


Distance learning, Non-traditional, Returning, Evening and adult (NTREA) students, Student engagement, Student satisfaction, Teaching and learning style, Teaching methodology

Abstract Video


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How to Cite

Santos, L. M. D. . (2020). The Motivation and Experience of Distance Learning Engineering Programmes Students: A Study of Non-Traditional, Returning, Evening, and Adult Students. International Journal of Education and Practice, 8(1), 134–148.


