Discovery Learning Strategy: Integrating Think-Pair-Share and Teacher’s Corrective Feedback to Enhance Students’ Writing Language Accuracy




This research aimed at finding out the students’ writing language accuracy and their experience (perception) after learning how to use the integration of Think-Pair-Share (TPS) and Teacher’s Corrective Feedback (TCF) within discovery learning strategy. A quantitative study in the form of pre-experimental design was conducted which involved 24 students of English study program in the Faculty of Education at Lampung University-Indonesia who took Pre-Intermediate writing class. These students were prepared to be junior and/or senior school English teachers. Therefore, language accuracy was badly needed. The results demonstrate that there was improvement of students’ writing language accuracy after the implementation of integrating Think-Pair-Share and teacher’s corrective feedback within discovery learning strategy. Grammar accuracy was the highest compared to vocabulary and spelling accuracy. In addition, the students demonstrated positive perception among the five categories of perception, interest and motivation were the highest. It is because of the steps of TPS and minimum TCF in the form of scaffolding and constructive questions of the teacher.


Grammar, Perception , Spelling, Think-pair-share, Teacher’s corrective feedback, Vocabulary, Writing language accuracy

Abstract Video


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How to Cite

Flora, Raja, P. ., & Mahpul. (2020). Discovery Learning Strategy: Integrating Think-Pair-Share and Teacher’s Corrective Feedback to Enhance Students’ Writing Language Accuracy. International Journal of Education and Practice, 8(4), 733–745.


