South African Teachers Perspectives on Using the Computer as a Tool for Teaching and Learning




The aim of this paper was to explore teachers’ perspectives on the importance of the computer as a tool for enhancement of effective teaching and learning. Current research indicates that the developed world is at vanguard in revealing most of this information much more than developing nations like South Africa. Taking cognizance of teachers’ perspectives in South Africa helps in improving the educational dispensation systems because future economic realities of any country depend on the quality of its education. Using an interpretivist paradigm, semi-structured interviews were triangulated with participant observations to elicit detailed data from a case study involving three secondary schools that were purposively sampled by virtue of having and using computers. A sample of six participant teachers was interviewed, and one lesson of each was observed using computer tools. Findings reveal that computer usage was irregular, rather superficial and insignificant. This small scale investigation recommends that Technological Pedagogical Educational Psychology and Content Domain (TPEPCD) model should be adopted in all teacher training institutions; so as to enhance the professional development of teachers who can teach diligently in accordance with the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) requirements.


Computer tools, Fourth industrial revolution (4IR), Information and communication technology (ICT), Technological pedagogical educational psychology content domain (TPEPCD), Technology integration models

Abstract Video




How to Cite

Sikhakhane, M. ., Govender, S. ., & Maphalala, M. C. . (2021). South African Teachers Perspectives on Using the Computer as a Tool for Teaching and Learning. International Journal of Education and Practice, 9(1), 93–104.


