Development of Communicative Skills among Kazakhstan Primary School Students
In connection with the policy of education of the Republic of Kazakhstan (RoK), there is a need to solve in the near future the problems of the lack of scientific justification of a special methodology for the formation of communication skills of primary school students by learning English. The purpose of this study was to study the formation of communication skills of younger schoolchildren in one of the schools in Almaty, Kazakhstan. This study employed a cross-sectional, full study design. A convenient sampling strategy was used to select the research object. We conducted a practical experiment among schoolchildren of the 3rd grade of primary schools. The experiment involved N=127 schoolchildren, including 58 girls, 69 boys, parents and teachers. We identified the actual problems of the formation of communication skills of primary school students through the study of English. The effectiveness of our proposed methodology for forming communicative skills of Primary School students through teaching English was proven in the results.
Communicative, Development, Education system, Formation, Primary, Skills.Abstract Video