The influence of principals’ personal traits on leadership outcomes of change in Vietnamese secondary schools




This paper addresses the influence of personal traits on the leadership outcomes of change by principals in primary, lower secondary, and upper secondary levels in Vietnamese schools. The research employed a survey questionnaire method to collect data, which was processed using SPSS software version 22. The design of the practical study was carried out based on the literature review and theoretical research. The paper did not use the original research ideas of previous authors but made certain adjustments to align with the research objectives and context. Linear regression analysis was utilized, with six categories of personal traits as independent variables consisting of thirteen specific traits, and two dependent variables representing leadership outcomes, including teacher leadership outcomes and general leadership outcomes. The analysis results revealed that teacher leadership outcomes are negatively influenced by arrogance, dominance, authoritarian thinking, emotionality, and balanced thinking, and they are positively influenced by proactivity, adaptability and discipline, perfectionism, curiosity, and eagerness to learn. The initial study results provide a foundation for applying the role of school leaders’ personal traits in management, leadership, evaluation policies, and personnel appointments in schools today.


Leadership outcome of change, Leadership outcomes, Personal traits, Principals, Principals’ personal traits, Secondary schools.




How to Cite

Doat, D. V. ., Lien, N. T. N. ., Huong, V. T. M. ., Thanh, N. X. ., & Lien, N. T. B. . (2024). The influence of principals’ personal traits on leadership outcomes of change in Vietnamese secondary schools. International Journal of Education and Practice, 12(3), 707–718.


