Effectiveness of E-Learning in Teaching Chemistry with Reference to Certain Selected Variables


  • Krishna Kumar R Department of Education, Annmalai University, Annamalai Nagar, India
  • Jaya Kumar R Research Fellow Department of Education, Annmalai University, Annamalai Naga, India




The advent of Internet connecting personal computers and mobile devices has made a incredible development in the field of education. The web as a communications medium contributed for the growth of online learning and individual independent learning ambience. It provide a plethora of learning material with interactivity. At this stage the technologies, tools, techniques, methodologies and standards are advancing at a rapid pace wherein the educationists has to familiarize themselves with online learning or E learning. They have to identify or explore the best methods to be used for any given audience. E-Learning the new trend learning of gaining momentum at various levels of learning. Under such circumstances this study aims at finding the effectiveness of e-learning in teaching chemistry at higher secondary level in relation to certain selected variables identified by the researcher. The findings reveal that the students usage of computer and usage of internet have a better achievement than the other students who are not using the computer and internet frequently. The findings prompt that the higher secondary students should be made familiar to use the computer as well as to use internet s for their learning purpose.


E-learning, achievement, ICT, Chemistry, Internet


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How to Cite

Kumar R, K. ., & Kumar R, J. . (2013). Effectiveness of E-Learning in Teaching Chemistry with Reference to Certain Selected Variables. International Journal of Education and Practice, 1(1), 1–13. https://doi.org/10.18488/journal.61/2013.1.1/


