A Study of Factors Influencing the Development of Student Talent





This study examined how the development of student talent is influenced by factors such as guidance and counseling, the school environment, parent participation, and learning activities that are high quality, competitive, and character building. The research was conducted in eight secondary schools (four states schools and four private schools). In order to gain an insight into the development of student talent, the sample respondents were the parents of students. The main instrument used in the data collection process was a questionnaire, which was supplemented by focus group interviews and discussions. The items in the questionnaire were validated and verified using the Pearson and Cronbach Alpha product moment test criteria and the SPSS version 24.0 program. Data were processed and analyzed using the Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) approach, using the Lisrel 8.70 program. The results show that the above factors have a positive effect on students’ talent and competency development, including self-awareness, learning and problem-solving skills, as well as strengthening students' characters and personalities. On this basis, efforts to develop student talent should consider all such variables of influence and their indicators, and more attention should be paid to the indicators that influence student talent the most.


Guidance, Counseling, Environment, Participation, Learning, Talent, Competence

Abstract Video




How to Cite

Yohana, C. ., Agung, I. ., Perdana, N. S. ., & Silisabon, S. . (2020). A Study of Factors Influencing the Development of Student Talent. International Journal of Education and Practice, 8(3), 441–456. https://doi.org/10.18488/journal.61.2020.83.441.456


